Shearon Harris Bass Fishing Reports

Started by sporoller, September 12, 2004, 06:33:48 PM

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Hit the lake today at first light looking for a topwater bite, I am still looking for it too! No takers on top except for 2 crappie my buddy caught on a popper. We tried several places on the main lake and in the creeks after that, fishing different depths with different tactics. Nothing worked for us. I did get bit on a spinnerbait fished in the deeper hydrilla edges and lost a small bass on a crankbait. The bass was sitting on the side of a point in about 14' of water. My buddy finally boated a bass on the main lake fishing a texas rig, the fish was sitting on the deep hydrilla edge. It went between 4.5 and 5 pounds (very healthy 20+ inch fish).

We watched a small club weigh-in at 2pm. Not sure of the winning weight but they had 2 fish over 5 pounds brought in, the largest was over 6 pounds. Other than those 2 nice fish, they had several fish under the slot. Not many boats had more than 2 fish per angler from what I saw.

Mike Cork

Sounds like a fairly tough day on the water, But when you catch an over it sure is a good fish.

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Yeah, a very tough day on the water for sure. Harris is a clear water lake and my experience in the past is when the water gets a stained the fishing gets tough.

Mike Cork

I my self prefer stained water, in general it will put the fish shallower, but if a lake is normally clear then stained water can confuse them or even shut them down like a cold front. Thanks for the info

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Where is the lake at? I'm from the western part of the state and was stationed at the coast, but haven't heard of this lake before.

Take a kid fishing, the smiles are priceless!!!


I'm not the one you asked but....

Its about 20 or 30 miles south west of Raliegh. you can go to and scrole to it. type in Raliegh  and go to the 1-50000 map scale.

Hope this helps a little



Eric, I fished at jordon lake alot when i was at cherry point but didn't remember that lake. I know where it is now, thanks. I hope to get some time to fish this summer when i'm home on leave but don't know if i'll get that far east. Thanks again.

Take a kid fishing, the smiles are priceless!!!

Michael S.


       That lake in it's prime was hard to beat.  The bass I am holding in the Pic on my posts came from that lake, it was 9 pounds 8 ounces and had pretty much spawned out.  With all the pressure it got the lake took a dive but from what I am hearing it is slowly starting to make a come back.  Eric can probably give you a better update on its current condition because unfortunately the Corps has me in Okinawa right now so no BASS fishing for me lately.  With all the lakes up by Raleigh Harris and Falls were my favorite 2. Going up toward the border more and fishing Kerr in April or May was really hard to beat! I sure do miss Carolina Bass Fishing and I don't mean the rig!!!
Michael A. Stranz


I didn't do any bass fishing when I was there from 98-01 because I had a little catfishing boat. I did catch a bunch of catfish and crappie at jordon. I'm looking forward to fishing Kerr and Jordon if I get to PCS to Pope or Johnson AFB in a year or so. Louisiana is a great state for fishing but the wife wants to be a little closer to home. Hope you make it back to the states before you get too rusty. Till then take care and Simper Fi.

Take a kid fishing, the smiles are priceless!!!


I see your still having fun SPO!

Mitchell, No hope Pope is out of luck but Seymour is still standing. If you get orders here look me up. Iv'e been fishing here for 10 years now and know my way around most lakes except Harris.

Richard Cooper

No one has posted on here in a while, but i went out to harris for a club tourny (raleigh bass anglers) a few weeks ago, i believe it was right at the beg. of august or the end of july.  Anyway, it was a night tourny lasting from 6 pm to 2 am, i had two little dinks up until about 11:30, i hadnt had a bite in a good hour, then i set the hook on a 9.57!  I went on to take first place as well as big fish with 11.3lbs.  I am going back out to harris to fish this afternoon, post sometime tomorrow on how i did.
Richard Cooper

Kistler Rods, Albackore Tackle Storage, Kidlizard Bait Company, Tripple Fish Lines


Good job man. Thats a good catch there.
!!Garrett Toney Outdoors!!

Richard Cooper

That is definately the beauty of harris and all three of the main triad area lakes (falls jordan and harris).  We have the chance of everytime we go out to catch one that is a new state record.  All three lakes have huge fish.  I went to harris today from about 2:00 until dark.  I ended up catching 12 fish which is a decent day out there this time of year, but no big ones.  I caught 3 slot fish and the rest were dinks, but i woudl have had a limit.  My best five would have been around 5-7lbs probably closer to 5, i didnt really keep up with it. and anyone from nc that fishes at harris knows that in a tournament that isnt going to do squat.  Overall a fun day on the water and i actually didnt get all that hot out there, i was suprised.
Richard Cooper

Kistler Rods, Albackore Tackle Storage, Kidlizard Bait Company, Tripple Fish Lines