port plugs

Started by BIG PAPA, December 16, 2008, 12:28:04 AM

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What do the little port holes on the bottom of the lower unit do? What changes if you plug them or un plug them?
thanks, papa


Are they on the nose cone? If so then they are a low water pick-up and you don't want to plug those!


those holes are there for low water pick up.. they are meant to supply enough water to the impeller so it doesnt burn up at high speeds. you dont want to PLUG THEM AT ALL!!!!!
when you go fast water doesnt get to the side grate intake on the lower unit as much so you have the ones on the nose cones..


OK guys I must have been mixed up, not the ones on the cone but the ones on the side a higher up. when I bought my boat all but 2 are plugged on each side.
Sorry for the confusion.


Those are the upper water intakes. If you have the ports in the nose, sometimes they will plug some of the upper ones.