Resume' for Mike Noble

Started by Mike Noble, July 08, 2005, 01:41:56 PM

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Mike Noble

Mike Noble
108 Cypress Point Lane
Benton, LA 71006
Phone: (318) 469-8024

I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1953 and lived the first 40 years of my life there, except for the 4 years I lived in Natchitoches, Louisiana while attending Northwestern State University.  I graduated with a Batchelor of Science in Accounting, which set up my 30-year career in the auditing profession.  I relocated to northwest Louisiana in 1993.  I have two grown children, one living in Florida and the other in Georgia.

I am a Certified Public Accountant, working my entire career for the State of Louisiana.  The first 26 years of my career was as an external auditor and the last 4 years has been on the internal audit side.  Along with the daily audit work, I developed and taught two classes related to auditing.  Both classes were presented numerous times in both Louisiana and Mississippi, with 50 to 100 participants each time.  Currently, I am on the deferred retirement program and will be leaving my employment with the state in approximately 1 ½ years.

Currently, I am the Staff Administrator for  Being involved with the web site since its inception, I have moved from member to forum staff to my current position.  I am very active on the fishing forum at  I have also written several articles that have been published on and had one article published in the Angler's Choice magazine.

In addition, I have quite a few years of public speaking experience.  Working for my high school alma mater, Central High School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, I was the in-stadium announcer for football for 13 years and pre-game announcer for basketball for 16 years.  I have also done play-by-play announcing for basketball on the radio and in-house announcing for basketball tournaments at the LSU Assembly Center.  Other public speaking events have included talking to groups up to 1,500 people on church-related matters, narrating church musical and drama performances, and panel discussions for work related matters.  Finally, I have participated in promoting the BassLife Associates, Inc. annual banquet on local television station news shows on numerous occasions.

Since 1990, I have fished in three separate bass clubs – Hassle Free Bass Club in Baton Rouge; and The Club and Twin Cities Team Club in Bossier City.  I was the secretary-treasurer for the Hassle Free Bass Club for 3 years and am currently the president of the Twin Cities Team Club.  In tournaments with these three clubs, I have achieved the following results:  23 first place finishes and 35 other top 5 finishes.
I currently spends 75 to 100 days a year fishing.  I expect that number to rise considerably when I retire.  In addition, the free time that will come with being retired will allow for increased visibility at all types of boating and fishing events.

Other tournament history:
Fished the First Annual St. Jude Tournament in Baton Rouge in 1991 with a 20th place finish.  This tournament was limited to 200 boats and had approximately 500 spectators at the weigh-in.
Fished St. Jude Benefit tournaments in northwest Louisiana in 1997, with a 22nd place finish, and in 1998, with a 12th place finish.  These two tournaments had approximately 50 boats entered and nearly 100 spectators at each weigh-in.
Fished a B.A.S.S. Pro-Am tournament on Lake Norman in North Carolina in May 1994. Finished in 9th place out of 100 in the amateur division and caught the overall big bass in the amateur division.
Have fished the Reeve's Marine Annual Tournament in all but one year since relocating to northwest Louisiana. The top three finishes were 7th in 1996, along with a 4th place finish and big bass prize in the Tournament of Champions; a 3rd place finish in 2003; and, a 3rd place finish in 2004.  These tournaments have 100 boats entered each year and amass about 500 people for the weigh-ins.
Qualified for the championship tournament for the Cross Lake Thursday Evening tournaments in 2003, with a 10th place finish in the championship, and 2004, with a 5th place finish in the championship.  The weekly tournaments run between 60 and 85 boats, with nearly 45 boats in the championship.  Spectators total about 250 individuals for the championship.
Fished approximately 20 other open tournaments, including Ultimate Bass open tournaments, with 3 tournament wins, 3 other top 5 finishes, and had big bass in 3 of these events.  These tournaments range from 25 to 50 boats each.
Fished the Ultimate Bass circuit in 2000 and 2001. Finished 1st in July 2000 and 2nd in August 2001. Finished 15th in the Ultimate Bass Tournament of Champions in 2001.

A member of B.A.S.S. and the Association of Bass Professionals.
A board member of BassLife Associates from 2000 through 2002.
Pro Staff at
Life is a B........each!



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