See Ya later guys

Started by custompainter, July 06, 2008, 02:20:49 PM

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I feel that im no longer welcome to share my work here with others.I recieved a PM from the moderator today that read :
"As a great painter I'm sure you should be able to see a pattern here.

Quote from: custompainter on Today at 12:07:01 PM
Id be happy to do it for you!  Check out my website
I have done all the patterns you listed below, if you need to see my paintings of these colors that arent on my website, le me know and I will be happy to fix it up!

Quote from: custompainter on June 29, 2008, 07:09:42 PM
I can custom paint them in firetiger patterns.  PM me if your interested

Quote from: custompainter on May 19, 2008, 04:45:49 PM
Hey there im new to the board thought I might show a bit of my work and maybe help someone out.Let me know what you think

I would be happy to send you all the information you need to become a paying forum sponsor, until then please stop with the free advertisement campain."

I find it rediculous that I cant help someone around here. Someone asked for a custom paint job today and i simple replied saying that I can paint for him.That must have been what sparked this.What is even more outrageous was that the guy had a problem with me saying "Hey there im new to the board thought I might show a bit of my work and maybe help someone out.Let me know what you think". Im just angry at the restictions of my speech on this board so i will no longer be posting here

Bountiful Waters

The moderator was correct. I think you should consider becoming a sponsor. I, along with many others, pay to be a sponsor in both product and monetarily. I stay on this site because the moderators do a great job of keeping people from abusing it by expecting free advertising. I am sure it is not want you wanted to hear, but unfortunately, that is how it is. You would be upset as well if you were a paying sponsor and the moderators allowed someone to advertise their services on here without paying their dues as you did. Showing people how to do a task is much different than offering to do it for a fee. No gray are there.

Ron Fogelson

A PM stands for private message but if you want this out in the open lets bring it all out.  You have made 11 posts to date two had to be sent to the trash and 3 others were just on the edge of solicitation and now you publicly want to complain that we won't let you advertise for free. 
This board was to help others learn about making baits not as a place for some members to gain customers under the radar.
As an Administrator of I sent you that PM because so far you have failed to heed the advice of our Mods, follow the rules of this board and our site. As to the restrictions of your speech here on it is a membership and part of being a member is to follow established rules if you can do that you won't have an issue here in the future.
This thread has been locked and your account is in time out until you send Admin an E-mail.