How do you change split rings without stretching them out???..................

Started by kickurbass, March 03, 2008, 03:31:49 PM

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Ok, I purchased a fairly simple split ring pliers. The kind with the blue rubber handles from BPS. I noticed that the smaller rings are easy enough to change with minimal distortion to the ring. I then tried adding a heavier duty ring to a spoon and would stretch out the ring everytime. Oh, might I add that the heavier duty ring was being added to a Hopkins spoon with a hole in the end. So basically I needed to stretch the ring over a flat corner to slide into the hole.

Any advice??
Fishing memories with dad.

Siebert Outdoors

I use a pair of cabelas split ring pliers.  They were about 20 bucks but worth every penny.  They work perfectly even with oval rings.  I never had luck with the cheap ones.


I use a pair made by Texas tackle..They are also about $20 but ya get what ya pay for


The stainless split rings do not snap back as readily as the brass, or whatever else they make them out of.



i use my fingers.....i have lost too many rings to the depths after they fly off the pliers. 


Split ring pliers are definately the way to go.  I think I got mine at BPS.
Insert witty comment here



The Texas Tackle pliers can't be beat.  As far as stretching the split ring you would have to really deform it to significantly weaken it.
aka: links_man2


kickurbass , the problem is not your pliers. You're using a split ring that is too small for the spoon. Hopkins are thick, and you need a real large split ring. Worth Company sent me a split ring assembly guide once, when I was in the tackle business. It showed how to properly pick the correct size split ring, and basically said that if you're deforming the split ring, then it's too small for the job. It's not necessarily too small to handle the fish or the "breaking strength", but it needs to be larger for it to fit over that thick spoon, and not deform.

I have some similar spoons, in 1 and 2 oz and I believe I used a size 10 heavy stainless split ring on them, and they worked fine. Smaller size's would deform everytime I tried to use put them on.

I've noticed the split rings on a lot of lures that I have are deformed right out of the package. I think the manufacturers use the minimum size ring they can get away with strength wise, to save money on cost, and don't consider that they're not always assembled properly, so that the split ring closes back the way it should.
Fanatical Fly Tyer & Tackle Maker!  It's An OBSESSION!!  J. Hester Fly & Tackle Co. LLC.


Quote from: bigjim5589 on March 09, 2008, 07:11:56 PM
kickurbass , the problem is not your pliers. You're using a split ring that is too small for the spoon. Hopkins are thick, and you need a real large split ring. Worth Company sent me a split ring assembly guide once, when I was in the tackle business. It showed how to properly pick the correct size split ring, and basically said that if you're deforming the split ring, then it's too small for the job. It's not necessarily too small to handle the fish or the "breaking strength", but it needs to be larger for it to fit over that thick spoon, and not deform.

I have some similar spoons, in 1 and 2 oz and I believe I used a size 10 heavy stainless split ring on them, and they worked fine. Smaller size's would deform everytime I tried to use put them on.

I've noticed the split rings on a lot of lures that I have are deformed right out of the package. I think the manufacturers use the minimum size ring they can get away with strength wise, to save money on cost, and don't consider that they're not always assembled properly, so that the split ring closes back the way it should.

Interesting. Thank you for the information.
It's funny because I didn't know what size to use for these 1oz spoons. I knew they had to be big but how big, I had no clue. I basically saw this jigging spoon setup on The Bass Pro tv show and decided to go purchase some. The rings I got were fairly big and I got them in the salt water section of the store. I guess there not big enough. I'll go take a look at some larger sizes.
Thank again!
Fishing memories with dad.