Jan 25 - List your lure modifications

Started by MotherNature, January 20, 2005, 12:11:03 AM

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Bait- Plastic craws

Mod- Rip off a pincer and/or some legs.

Result- Imitates a crippled crawfish which bass are more likely to eat. Works best in clear water.


I have used Bandit Footloose crankbaits on a Carolina rig to work through grass/weed beds when just ripping them through did not work.  Seems those bass weren't looking for a bait to be tearing through the area and wanted something bulky and slow moving instead.


Plastic Worm

Use a 4" plastic worm on a spinner jig to work in rocky areas, it's a tough combination to beat


I like to add some color to shad colored crankbaits using my wife fingernail polish, this just add a little something different when the fish see it wizzing threw the water.

Mike Cork

How about add on's to soft plastics like skirt material for extra legs?

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Flippin Jigs

Removing only one claw from a plastic craw add on is more realistic...when the fish are more wary, more realistic works mo better.


You can also try mixing red and chartuse dye to plastic baits it really looks different in the water.

dave the dope man

Sorry I'm late tonight, been VERY SICK this afternoon. anyhow, I take a small jig, usually 3/16 or 5/16 right out of the package, I trim the skirt If it need it, I don't buy jigs with rattles because I don't really like any on the market so far. I then add a set of rattles that I buy that I particularly like, I may then add a set of "eyes". ........Dave

Siggy by DundeeMike


I use the same needle that i add strands of color to jigs and spinnerbaits, to pull strands of skirtmaterial thru worms to add leg like appendages.
A fish a day keeps postal away. See fishing is relaxing.  Member B.A.S.S.  Illinois B.A.S.S. Federation Nation


Tube Baits

In the gap inside the tube bait fill it with glitter scent, and use an insert type jig that doesn't fit tight against the walls of the tube...this will release glitter looking like lost scales


I also like to dye white lizards half red and half chartuse when bedfishing, it really gets the fish attention.


Bait- Strike King Red Eye Spinnerbaits

Mod- Take a sharpie and draw an "eye" and some stripes on the unpainted side of the willow leaf blade.

Result- Reduces the flash of the blade, sometimes less is better.


Try placing a little piece of a Gulp bait to the rear treble of your hard lures.  It has the scent and taste built in to possibly assist in getting the fish to hold on a little longer when you are not "burning" the lure back to the boat.  So, this is for when you are using a delayed technique in your retrieve such as when you stop the retrieve to let the lure rise up towards the surface.


Spoons et al

Always carry some mylar and or cellophane...in a pinch it can be cut into long thin strips and used as additional flash as a trailer


split the flappers on baby brushogs right down the mold marks for added action. You can also make a small v cut in the ends of the flappers before you split them.
A fish a day keeps postal away. See fishing is relaxing.  Member B.A.S.S.  Illinois B.A.S.S. Federation Nation


When bedfishing dont put the hook into the bait it leaves a open hook for a easy set.

Mike Noble

Well dang Dave...take two aspirin and call me in the morning.  I guess you already knew to do that...  I hope you get better.

Never tried this but was told to put an alka seltzer in a tube (or part of one)...fizzing action.

Great posts everyone.  Definitely worth reading.
Life is a B........each!



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Tiny Torpedo

When the prop on the back is getting a look, but no takers, you can remove the back treble and spinner then replace the treble...if the treble is one with a dressing like feathers, better yet.

Ron Fogelson

Take a soft plastic such as Terminator or any bait with a preformed hole for a rattle & fill with sent, doesn't just wash off lasts a lot longer and comes out slower rather then all at once

Jared LeBlue

Keep a good supply of tooth picks with you for this mod. When fishing heavy brush or grass with a texas rig peg the sinker with the tooth pick to keep it from sliding. This will bring your soft plastic bait to the bottom with your sinker.
Ardent Prostaff

Ron Fogelson

drill or punch out a hole on each side of a buzzbait, gives it a trail of bubbles for the fish to chase after


Plastic worm

To your line slide on a large bead, then a skirt, then the bullet sinker and hook, rig the worm Texas-style, put a tiny split shot about 2" ahead of the bead...Sometimes this is deadly...a little clicking can go a long way.


Takw a small piece of foam rubber, thread it on your jig, then rig up your tube so the foam in inside it. Now dripple some scent onto the foam inside the jig. The lure will trail sint longer and so it will travel farther!!!

You can do the same with a texas or carolina rig by using a small cube of foam dipped in scent. Reg normally, put foam on hook before you push it back through the bait. Sent it and throw it!
So much to learn...such smart fish!


To get a little bit of a different action with a crankbait, add a small splitshot to either of the treble hooks.  Try adding it to different parts of the hooks to see the different actions you can get.

Jared LeBlue

When fishing soft plastics, especially texas rig, use a keeper hook, take a plastic rattle put it on the hookshank with a piece of heat shrink. This way you don't have to insert the rattle in the plastic bait and you don't lose the rattle.
Ardent Prostaff