Adding a Kicker to a Ranger 361v

Started by bassin15, June 12, 2007, 10:26:58 PM

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Hey everyone!  I'm new to the site and find it pretty interesting.  I thought I would try my first post as I do have a question i was wondering if anybody could help out with.  My brother has a 1994 Ranger 361v and we have discussed putting a kicker on it to be able to get onto some smaller lakes when we want to.  Just looking to put on like a 9.9 or 25HP.  But from looking at the transom I'm just not sure if it is possible to fit it on there and how.  Does anybody have any experience with this boat or type and if it is possible to add a kicker to it and how ?  Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. 



I've never seen a kicker on a 360 model Ranger, but I'm sure there is a way to do it. Try contacting the factory. They always have someone around that knows how to tweak things.
Randy Lyman
2000 Champion 203/2012 Merc 250 Pro XS