April's Tournament

Started by Skeeter1, January 24, 2005, 12:26:26 PM

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Are we still planning to fish Eufala? A pre-fish for the DOD Tournament? My dad wants to come in from Texas and fish it with me. My father-in-law wants to come back and fish another one. He had a great time a Gantt. We need to pick a date so I can make reservations at the Lakeside Inn. It should make for a good two day tournament.
2001 Skeeter SL-190 with 150 V-Max
1986 Skeeter Starfire 115 (Sold)


Have fun hopefully I will be added the new member to the Graham family


2001 Skeeter SL-190 with 150 V-Max
1986 Skeeter Starfire 115 (Sold)


Don't know we will all find out when it happens


Sounds good to me...depending on the date.  I will have a baby girl arriving early May ~c~


Pretty much after March's tourney It will be hit and miss with the fishing until after the baby. Cause you know as soon as I get 45 min down the road I will have to turn around.


Hit and Miss....ain't that how she got knocked up in the first place lo


I was cleaning it and it went off in my hand  :o :o :o


We waited till birth to see also. Everybody thought we were having a boy. But we got Jillian and we're very happy!!!!
2001 Skeeter SL-190 with 150 V-Max
1986 Skeeter Starfire 115 (Sold)


Any body have any thoughts on Aprils tournament?

How does April 23rd and 24th sound to every body?
2001 Skeeter SL-190 with 150 V-Max
1986 Skeeter Starfire 115 (Sold)


FLW Everstart tour will be there on 27th.   Place may be extremely crowded the weekend before.


Just checked FLW rules - there is no off limits for pre-fishing so that place is going to be wall-to-wall the weekend of the 23rd and 24th.  May want to call just to see if there are any rooms available.  I doubt there will be.  They will be launching out of Lake Point.


I will be leaving for Iowa on the 15th. If we have a tourney before then I'm in. If it's after that  ???.