Trailer Hook Stops

Started by Swede, August 27, 2006, 09:11:05 PM

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Learned this one today - my buddy Vern uses a hole punch on a plastic milk jug.  He takes the little circles and uses them as hook stoppers for trailer hooks versus the clear rubber tubing.  Works great and great idea I thought.
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
Rascal Flatts


Great idea!

I use my old plastics: worms, lizards, flukes, and craws. I have a bag of them that I've caught fish on and their torn up from setting the hook. I just tear a piece off and place it on the hook. The red ones work really well.
Ps. 23:2-3  He leads me beside the still waters.. and restores my soul ie mind, intellect, & emotions. :)


Quote from: Swede on August 27, 2006, 09:11:05 PM
Learned this one today - my buddy Vern uses a hole punch on a plastic milk jug.  He takes the little circles and uses them as hook stoppers for trailer hooks versus the clear rubber tubing.  Works great and great idea I thought.

Yep best method I have found , been using them for about 30 years ;D


That's what I use too, but I punch mine out of the plastic tops of coffee cans.

Stump bumper

O.K. I'm a little confused :-\ Do you put the circles behind the trailer hook? I have always used tubing over the eye of the hook the placed the trailer on the spinner bait hook. Have I been wasting time with this method?
Beaver Lake  Arkansas


nope you are doing it right they just  push the spinnerbait hook through the little plastic circles after they put the trailer hook on, instead of the little rubberband tubing.


That IS a good tip, I'll definatly give this one a go.
2020 IBASS Gold - Zone 2 - AOY
2020 IBASS Classic - Winner
2020 IBASS Team Tourney - Winner (with FD)


Wow alot of these techniques i had never even thought of! Kewlll :-*


My trailor hooks never stay on so i am going to have to try that... I have had an old red t shirt before though and cut a piece of it off and put it on there.  It worked sometimes... i like the worm idea.


I cut plastic straws into little pieces.  Put the eye of the trailer hook in the straw then push the lure hook  through the straw and the trailer eye.  Works great for me.

cable guy

best thing i have ysed is old aquarium tubing, slide the trailerhook on then slide it right behind it, the hooks is free to move a bit, and its always a red trailer hook,thats my 2 cents, if you keep the trailer in a fixed position you will hand up mre, because it stands stright out, let it dangle
god grant that i may live to fish until my dying day and when it comes to my last cast i then most humbly pray when in the lords safe landing net i"m peacefully asleep that in his mercy i be judged as good enough to keep. member BASS,ILLINOIS FEDERATION