Bellcow lake Bass Fishing Report 10/14

Started by skeeter jones, October 16, 2006, 01:58:27 AM

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skeeter jones

Water temp 65-66 degrees, air 74, blue bird skies, stained to muddy, water low 4-6 feet below.  Use extra caution when on this lake there are trees in the middle of the lake that I had not seen until today. One is due west of water intake at dam about 100 yards out. 
I went out trying new lures I had purchased.  Most of these lures I refer to as big bass lures.  I caught one bass a 2.5 er on a white spinner bait. Had one bass in the evening short strike a buzz and follow it for another miss at the boat.
Another angler reported success on white crank bait.

I spent a lot of time on the Dam trying to see what type of fish was causing Big explosions on the surface. Thought it might have been carp but never saw the typical leap out of the water. Fish were in 30 feet of water and was graphing bait at 10-20.  Saw some shad on surface.  Threw tops, cranks,jerks, lipless and could not get bit.  Thought it could be cats???  These were big fish