Monroe Reservoir 7/28/2006 DNR Bass Fishing report

Started by kickinbass, July 28, 2006, 12:05:08 PM

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Lake Monroe is a 10,750 acre flood control reservoir located in Brown and Monroe counties southeast of Bloomington. It is the largest lake in the state with recreational activities such as boating and fishing

Hybrid striped bass
These bass belong to the temperate bass family. Temperate basses include the true fresh water basses, white and yellow bass, and the striped bass, which originally lived in the Atlantic Ocean but can live its entire life in fresh water. Temperate basses often school far from shore and feed on schooling fish. Hybrid striped bass are a cross of white and striped bass. The hybrid striped bass has two tooth patches and the back of the tongue are joined. The first stripe below the lateral line complete to the tail and the stripes above the lateral line are usually broken.

Bait: shad type crank baits/ jigs
Depth: n/a

Comments about fish:

LIve bait slowed trolled seems to be the best bet. Some downrigging is taking place. ATTENTION: Some Hybrid Stripers have be implanted with radio tracking devices. If you catch one please release it as soon as posible. If unable to keep alive please report to this office at (812) 837-9546 as soon as possible.
Largemouth bass
Sunfishes include some of the best-known fish in Indiana. Bluegill, redear sunfish, black and white crappie, largemouth, spotted and smallmouth bass are all members of the sunfish family. On the largemouth bass, the upper jaw extends beyond back of eye, differentiating the fish from the smallmouth bass. The largemouth bass commonly reached six pounds.

Bait: n/a
Depth: n/a

Comments about fish:

Most fish are being taken out of the brush. I have also heard deep diving cranks off points in 10 -12 ft. is also good.

Comments about body of water:

The Lake elevation is @ 538.07 Temp. is between 83 -86. All Ramps are open.