Something I've Been Doing

Started by D.W. Verts, January 24, 2025, 10:36:10 AM

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D.W. Verts

For most (all?) of the older guys here, we face the same dilemma of our weight. We just don't have the figures we used to. Go figure.

Anyway, I'm on a journey I started over 2-1/2 years ago that I was DONE with it, the being out of shape. I know I'll never be the bodybuilder that I was in the 90's, but I can, and have, made strides. And it all relates back to my bass fishin'. I fish longer, including multiple days in a row that I couldn't do even a year ago. Being in better shape helps my fishing, and everything else in life.

I've lost about 50 or so pounds (I hate scales and rarely ever use them). My pains, including my arthurites, is better. Not cured by any means, but way better. I still get out of bed with lower back pain, but now it mostly is gone once I'm up an moving.

And it's the "up and moving" that matters most maybe.

Anyway, I hit the gym as often as I can (and I dig that most guys aren't doing that). I eat better (and I don't diet 'cuz diets suck and never work for long. Enough). I'm better, and hopefully a better person because of it.

I don't like these fitness "pros" that have never been overweight in their life telling me how to get skinnier. Man. So I'm doing a sub-channel on my my YouTube bass fishing channel that is meant to maybe motivate me and others as to my progress, and a few folks are diggin' it. It comes from a fat boy perspective, and not a Richard Simmons one.

This is not a plug for my channel. I don't even have it monetized (I don't make money from it even though it qualifies). What I NEED, like so many others, is MOTIVATION. Can ya'll dig that?

Hope this helps somebody. Even the younger to middle-aged guys that are heading in the wrong direction like  most of us seem to do. Peace ya'll.

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff

Donald Garner

Dale, best wishes to ya on getting to the Weight Goal you set for yourself. 
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


i keep working on regaining my girlish figure too, Dale.  it's hard hard work.  but I've come to terms with it.  realized a long danged time ago that I had to work twice as hard as most folks to be half as good.  so mentally, i've learned to 'pack a lunch'.

my family is blessed, or cursed, with long life.  most of us make it to upper 90's...  i'm making my bet that the key is to be as mobile as possible; as long as possible.  strength is the biggest part of that, I believe.

one thing I've really focused on, in addition to working out (lots and lots of gym time, walking, riding bike and lifting) is diet.  try really hard to eat lean proteins and green vegetables (lots of broccoli, asparagus and brussel sprouts).

as my workouts have increased, i've had to add/up carbohydrate sources.  mostly in the form of melon, berries as they have LEAST impact on my blood glucose levels.

what is not necessarily discussed nearly enough:  aging people need MORE protein than the RDA (recommended daily allowance/minimum).  I am working (and yes it takes a ton of focus/effort) to get about 150 grams of protein daily.  (no protein shakes, supplements, just eggs/lean meats like sirloin, salmon, chicken...)

in your youtube video, you talk about 'joint strength'.  I could not agree more.  my first efforts in the weight room were to address key 'joints':  knees and back.   often overlooked in folks efforts is the importance/role of the hamstrings.  strong hammies really support, stabilize the knee and go a long way towards lessening pain.  strong core/abs (don't overlook the obliques) are critical for lower back stability.

am also working on elbows and shoulders (pesky things those rotator cuffs)

D.W. Verts

Man, the joint thing is hard. With what I assume is arthritis my RoM sucks. Working thru it. I believe that the flexibility issue may one of the biggest deals of all. Working on it.

Coldfront- he gets it. Every day is a battle. Right now, I'm holding my own.

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff


I haven't been able to do to much exercising with my back and headache issues so I've gained a lot of weight. My Dr just put me on Ozempic as my diabetes is out of control. Hopefully it will help me lose weight so I can excercise more.
A bad day fishing is better then a good day at work. Take a kid fishing


Quote from: D.W. Verts on January 28, 2025, 05:39:20 PMEvery day is a battle. Right now, I'm holding my own.


turn 62 this spring.  figure I have a minimum of 25 years to 'embrace the suck' and keep working.  it's only going to get harder.

my favorite inspirational quote '... is that all you got?...' 

trying hard not to have 'quit' in me...

D.W. Verts

So, maybe someday we'll get to fish together, AND work out?!?

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff


Dale:  you ever wander out of Missourah over to TN you are welcome. 
always have a guest room available.

otherwise, if it's about me coming to you, going to be at least 40 months until I retire.

you let me know you're coming and will put the porch light on... 

D.W. Verts

Of course, AWESOME. I have an invite to Dale Hollow too. Could make for a TRIP!

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff