Retirement You Do The Math

Started by Bud Kennedy, January 19, 2023, 03:31:07 PM

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Bud Kennedy


I use Mister Twister Baits!


I'll drink to that! Cheers!

I'm only 43 and pretty much retired. My disability pays my mortgage and utilities, so my Engineering job is just to "kill time" and keep me busy. (Meh, I actually love what I do as well)

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia
"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont


sorry guys.  my family people go well into upper 90s. 

that being said, I understand the 'hard number' for a lot of guys I've talked to appears to be 80.  so play as hard as you can... 'cause after 80, you just never know...


I 'm old enough to do just that I semi- retired at 62 and went fish. Now I fish tournaments on Saturday and Sundays and work Monday through Thursday, five hours a day.  ~cf


That's why I retired at 61 years 10 months and after realizing how good this life is, I wish I had done it a little sooner. Just make sure to prepare for it, starting as young as possible.
Retired and loving every minute of it!