September 2022 Home Front Activities and Carrying On's

Started by Donald Garner, September 01, 2022, 11:53:55 AM

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Good Evening Everyone, Both me and the wife have been sick. My headache meds seem to not be working anymore. I wish I had met my wife years ago. We've been together ten years and married 5.

Donald, Belated Anniversary. That's good the swelling is going down.

Prayers to those in Florida.
A bad day fishing is better then a good day at work. Take a kid fishing


Good morning!!! 46 headed to mid 50s, partly cloudy, supposed to be dry. Not much going on, I picked up my sub yesterday in preparation for lunch today, my wife needs the car this morning so my shopping will be after lunch. She got home from being out with her best friend for dinner and said I could have the car this morning just a bit later than my normal time, figures. lo
Our prayers  go out to you!!!
Bassmedic, good to hear from you, I know how you feel about your wife, we celebrate our 51st in a couple of months and I'd do it all over again.
Donald, so the school knows you're short timing it and they want you to train your replacement, hope they give her support. It looks like we have a dry day today, it's a nice change watching the tv this morning I'll stay where I am, I can deal with snow. lo These storms remind me just how small I am in the scheme of things, it's humbling to know there's not much you can do but hang on and pray.
have a great day, be well, pray for those in Florida!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Donald Garner

Good evening from Central Texas (Belton)  ~shade

Groundhog Day weather wise.  Forecasted temps were 56-90dgrs with 25%humidity an E wind @ 6mphs.

It was quiet at the Fun Farm.  I got a new person today which will begin working immediately.  She used to work at one of the other schools and decide to take a break.  Her break is over now and she's ready to get back after it.  I like getting these types of people I don't have to spend a lot of time training them.  I have a meeting with her at 1:30pm tomorrow.  I'll explain to her my way of doing business and show her around the school.  I met with 2 of my ladies today and decided on which one I was going to train.  Tomorrow we'll start training her to be my replacement.

Rodney; Good day sir, I see your Thursday routine had a wrench thrown in it.  Glad you were able to make it out and get that lunch time sub.  I haven't told the principal yet of my future plans.  I'll do that the first part of Dec.  I'll more than likely tell my wife this weekend also that I'm done at the end of Dec.

Bassmedic; I have you and your wife in my daily prayers buddy.  Hope you and the wife get to feeling better real soon.  Tks for the Anniversary Congrats also.

Guys and everyone else I hope the evening is a relaxing one.  Ya'll be safe out there especially if you're out traveling. 
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good morning!!! 37 headed to 60 or so, partly cloudy, another dry day. We've been cutting down the hedgerow between our house and one next to us, his wife died about 5 years back and he hasn't touched it since, it's rubbing against our house. He hasn't mowed his yard since either, I did his front yard for a couple of years but my back got bad enough I struggled to do ours so I had to stop, he finally got someone else to do it. The pushing and pulling on the hedgerow gets to me and I have to stop but I'll have it done before snow flies.
Donald, so now you get an experienced person, at least you don't need to spend much time training her. good the you have someone you trust to takeover for you. I'm sure your wife will be very happy when you tell her, you'll also have more time for fishing as well as spending time with her, good deal all the way around.
Have a great day, be well, pray for our nation!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Bud Kennedy

The storm is mostly over and has moved inland.  Winds currently in the 20s with gusts in the low 30s and a very light rain that will be over around 6pm.  Nice weather day on tap for tomorrow although there will still be a bit breezy tomorrow morning.  So. it appears we dodged another bullet so to speak.

Donald happy you decided to jump back into retirement.  I sincerely hope you are ready for the retired lifestyle this time.  I love being retired although I do miss not having a lot of extra money but that is not a big deal.  We all adapt and overcome as we move into a more laid back life.  Now you can be like the rest of us who sometimes forgets what day it is. LOL 

Donald Garner

Good evening from Sunny and Dry Central Texas  ~shade

Forecasted temps today were 52-84dgrs with 26%humidity with an E wind at 6mphs.  There's no rain in site for the near future.

Spent the morning working on the computer and updating personnel rosters.  Had a productive meeting with my newest Team Mate.  She's going to work out just fine.  Tomorrow schedule is full with an early morning run to the office to knock out the time sheets.  My yearly resupply of CPAP Equipment is sitting at the post office waiting to be picked up.  The weather is going to be great for an afternoon Crusader Football game. Relaxation will be on the schedule afterwards.

Bud; Tks for the storm update.  Yes sir it's time to become fully retired.  I'm ready now and I won't be looking back after it occurs.  I'm looking forward to forgetting what day it is  lo

Rodney; Hedge trimming etc.  That's not fun work either.  I helped out at church removing a bunch of hedges.  The first group we pulled them up with a tow strap.   Lots of dirt mess to clean up etc.  Second time around I brought my chain saw and we cut them down just below the surface of the dirt.  It was a lot faster and easier loading the plants into the trailer.  Of course my chain on the saw was shot but I didn't care. 

I'm going to tell the wife this weekend that my retirement will be at the end of Dec.  I know she's going to be happy.  She's been after me now for a while.  I'm ready to get after it now  ;)

You guys have a very pleasant weekend ahead with you families.  Bud be careful with the clean up.  Don't over do the bending etc.

To everyone have a safe and pleasant weekend ahead.  I have everyone in my daily prayers.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

UH OH  So you gonna tell the wife this weekend.  Look out now, The Honey Do List is about ready to go into high gear once you give her the word.   ~roflmao

Donald Garner

Greetings to all from Belton, Texas  8)

It is a beautiful day across Central Texas today.  Lots of sun and a mild wind blowing out of the NE.  Forecasted temps today are 52- 84dgrs with 20% humidity and a NE wind @ 8mphs. 

Had a few errands to deal with this morning; Time Sheets checked and turned in; Small Gym Floor vacuumed and cleaned with a riding floor scrubber; Picked up the mail from UPS store; Picked up (6) cases of water from Walmart; Washed the truck at the local car wash and mowed and trimmed the back yard.  All tasks completed by 10am with a shower taken the wife and I went to Subway for lunch.  The Crusaders Football game kicked off at 2pm and was over around 4:30ish with a win.  We're both home now and relaxing.

Bud; I told the wife while we were having lunch.  She just looked at me and asked me "Are you sure" ?  I told her yep and the end of Dec will be it.  Well she told me not to tell anyone for a couple weeks in cased I changed my mind.  I told her I wasn't changing my mind.  As we were walking to the truck after the football game she told me once I retire we can go on walks in the mornings.  I said yes we can  ;) 
I already know a couple items that will be on the Spring Honey Do list>>Our lower back deck needs re-staining.  I'm sure by Spring there will be more added to that list  lo

You and your wife have a relaxing Saturday Evening.  Hope there wasn't a big mess for you to clean up following the hurricane coming through.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard