More Hickbilly Outdoors YouTube Bassin' Videos

Started by D.W. Verts, December 15, 2021, 07:53:17 AM

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D.W. Verts

My fishing stuff isn't getting much of a workout, but I keep doing them. Here's a few that I haven't linked to UB yet, including my three "how to" videos on painting plugs. If you like any of this, or any of the content that any of us UB YouTubers are doing, please like & subscribe, Thanks. Peace.

Painting bass baits, Part1-

Part 2-

Part 3-

Cold Water Pond Bassin'-

Casts you need to know-

Big bass on a weedless spoon-

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff