SJHT SUNSET Lake Club Results Sat. 04-03-2021

Started by BigNasty06, April 03, 2021, 10:20:43 PM

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Place: SUNSET LAKE, Bridgeton, NJ
Date: Sat. April 03, 2021
Time: 7:00am-2:00pm
Weather:  Cold and breezy 29 degree morning start.  Warming up to a sunny, clear blue bird skies with temps hovering around 53 Degrees.
Water Temps: Initially 48.5 Degrees out near the boat ramp.  Varying up to 53.4 Degrees in main areas of interest.   
Water Clarity: .5'~1.0'
Wind Gust: 10-15 mph. A little gusty around  early on while easing later in the day.   
Best Lure:  Rattletraps, Beavers, and Lipless crankbaitrs.
Depths fished: 2'~6'
Limit: 3 Bass 

Welcome to round#2 of the SJHT 2021 season where 12 members and 1 guest came out to battle the Chilly re-emergent of the Winter League type Air and water temps.

Boy it was cold out there this morning.  When ice is forming on your eyelets and your fingers start to get a little tingly, you know deep down you wished you stayed in bed.  LOL

Without further adieu, please give a big congrats to 1st place winner Jackson *The Assassin* Fu for weighing in 3 Bass going 5.83lbs. Layne *The Carp Whisperer* El took 2nd Placewith 3 Bass going 4.79lbs.   3rd Place was won by last weeks overall winner at Union Lake  Mike *The Boogyman* Del Monico/b] with 2 Bass going 4.55lbsMike's also won Lunker going 2.88lbs
Miscelleneous was won by Mike Leach 1.37lb Pickeral.   There were some other nice Crappie caught over the 1.35lb mark also.


Fu's  1st Place Winner :

Layne's 2nd Place:

Mike Del Monico's 3rd Place and Lunker winner:

Other Anglers Bass:

Dan F. Keepers:

BN06 lone keeper:

Bill L. Keepers:

Guest Randy's Misc. offering:

Brian M. Keepers:

John P. Keepers:

Try guessing the Pattern that Anglers were on

More Ramp improvements Needed

Summary:  SUNSET LAKE seems to be either Hit or Miss.  I know the Winter League Tournaments presented decent bags, but today everyone found it hard to find a decent bite.....if any.  Water temps dropped nearly 10 degrees from the previous week....and did I say "It was Real Chilly this morning."   Having not fished this place since the dam was repaired, I found it to be still stingy.  Judging by the community hole pic, anglers had similiar game plans. ...Fish deep and drift around till the air and water temps  rose some.

In All, 9 out of 13 SJHT Anglers caught at least 1 Bass.   There were only 18 Bass caught overall. SUNSET Lake Bass gave way to total of 29.80lbs caught overall.
The avg. weight came out to be 1.66lbs.   2 Angler caught there 3 Bass Limit.  Another great turnout for  a frigid and breezy morning.

Congrats to Jackson, Layne,Mike  Del Monico, and Mike Leach on your performanaces.

Next up is RAINBOW LAKE in 1 week.
