Neuro Stimulator

Started by bassmedic46, March 23, 2021, 11:48:46 AM

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Last week i had a temporary neuro stimulator placed. Seems to be working pain free by 50%. If this works then they'll put a permanent one in. Hoping to be able to go fishing this year. Its been awhile. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Neuro stimulators and if they helped them.
A bad day fishing is better then a good day at work. Take a kid fishing


I've been treated by Unifour Pain Treatment since 2004. They REALLY helped me with muscle relaxers and pain meds coupled with a spinal epidural every 3 months. Boy are they helping me! I got cocktail last year and told the Dr I'm good on the injections, no more! He just grinned and said that's the best way to see if they are working! I lasted 6 months and I should have cried uncle before then. You are going to have good injections and some not so good.

50% relief with the temporary is great! I hope the permanent helps you even more!

Chronic pain can't be explained to the healthy. It runs your life. I try to avoid posting when I'm having the worst of it. If I come across as a jerk, live with it.
SEE???? Seriously it makes you do things and mainly say things that are 180 out of character.

Keep us posted, please. I'm not sure if I'm a candidate. Most of my trouble stems from 3 smashed to one in my neck. I had lost most use of my left arm function before the neck surgery. I'm going to ask my doctor. Good luck and best wishes.

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Mike Cork

I've heard mixed reviews. I have a friend that says it saved him from shooting himself, then my mother says it hasn't helped a bit. (She ended up have a total spinal fusion so she was extreme). I have another friend that says the temp is helping almost completely when he has it half way up, so he's going to proceed with the permanent one. I have the same pain med doc as the friend with the temp and the doc doesn't recommend it for me. I say that to say it's not for everyone. I've been on a drug cocktail since 05' and have had 4 surgeries (3 fusions) and it's getting to be time to complain again. I can't fish more than about 4 hours without extreme pain, driving more than 20 minutes requires a cane to manipulate a store...

Once you've started down these roads of treatment it never seems to get better. I say this because if you can find some relief now, JUMP at it... That's my opinion...

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Mike and I are in much the same fix with my back unable to have another surgery. Several doctors talked me out of the neuro stimulator. Over the course of 1 year, the back will worsen and you have to turn up the stimulation. When you reach the highest setting and the pain is still increasing, the stimulator must be removed. You are at a new increased level of pain with possibly no relief. There are consequences to every treatment. From my working years, I can tell you that an occasional Jack Daniel's handles a good deal of pain.



Pain Clinic said every additional surgery prevents their epidural being effective. Scar tissue starts  going to work almost immediately. The older you are the scar tissue worsens. No more for me unless I can't make it up my steps. Looks like we could field an all star team for the orthopedic World Series.
Old sucks.

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Have had the temporary stimulator taken out. Trial went well. I was able to do stand and walk a little better . Pain came back pretty quickly after it was removed. Dr and my wife think it will help me. Thank you everyone for your input. I definitely don't want a full spinal fusion.
A bad day fishing is better then a good day at work. Take a kid fishing


Quote from: geneinnc on March 25, 2021, 05:35:02 PM
Looks like we could field an all star team for the orthopedic World Series.
Old sucks.

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Yes, old sucks, looks like I may make it through the year without a surgery or replacement.
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.