TCTC July 12 Cypress/Black Bayou Tournament info

Started by BassBUFF, July 08, 2020, 05:11:36 AM

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This Sunday takes us to Benton at the Cypress/Black Bayou lakes (angler choice).

Weather is currently calling for partly cloudy, 10% rain chance, and a high of 96° with winds WSW at 5-10mph.

Launch and weigh-in will be out of the Black Bayou launch on Old Palmetto Rd. Launch will be at safe light after 5:50am.  Chip will be at the BB launch to collect the fees.

Good luck everyone!

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Chip Harm

I will be there @ 5-5:15 to collect money.

Since we will be launching from two different locations, we will blast off from the launch area at 0600.

There has also been a questions raised about having weigh-in at 1400 (2PM) vice 3 PM.
Just a heads up, we will take a vote the morning of.


Doctor says I should stay away from other people.