Reel Chronicles...

Started by FloridaFishinFool, March 16, 2017, 07:32:42 PM

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Quote from: Basswhippa on February 26, 2019, 06:59:12 AM
This is one of the most informative reel maintenance threads I have ever seen.  Young people, buy quality equipment.  Maintain it.  It will provide you service for many years.  I have many Shimano's over 20 to 25 years old that are still kicking.   Diawa has upped their recent game. And there are other good options.

Thanks! This trial is on hold until after ICAST. I am sure it will continue in some form or venue. Upon review, some tweaking and changes to approach and subject may occur. But it will be back!
Words are the exercise for the brain. Words are life expressed... without words we die a slow meaningless death. Silence to the grave is no way to go! So live! Use words! Power of the pen is sharper than any sword! Make it so! Mom said don't surround yourself with idiots! Fly higher than the Eagles... and don't run with the turkeys! Deus Vult!


Quote from: redux on March 02, 2019, 04:37:47 AM
FFF, did you take any pics of my 71 when you cleaned it? You said there was grass in the reel...I'd like to see what my neglect looks like  ;)

I like nice equipment but am too distracted to do proper maintenance. I can manage to change and clean bearings. Any more than that and I'm just going to go fishing. Thankfully I have a good Shimano tech at my disposal for the real work ~gf

Now you see Z, you bring up a good point about identifying who owns what reels. This is something I decided from the very beginning I would never do. I was even called out on this in this thread for this very thing and I actually had to explain it would not happen even after the 5 or 6 page history before it of all anonymous reels.

This thread was never intended to tie any reels to any one person. This is not about embarrassing anyone because of what is found in their reels, or how one person takes care of their reels or not. It is strictly about the reels only. No faces. No names. No embarrassment. No humiliation of any kind. That sort of thing would be bad news for a thread like this one; and distract from purpose and intent and flow.

So no, Z, I did not take any pictures of your reels... but next time if you want me too...  :-*

According to the stats, this thread in only 2 years moved to 8th position in ratings and draw. All others that are higher in ratings also have quite a number of additional years to pick up those chart topping viewings this one did not have. So that's cool!
Words are the exercise for the brain. Words are life expressed... without words we die a slow meaningless death. Silence to the grave is no way to go! So live! Use words! Power of the pen is sharper than any sword! Make it so! Mom said don't surround yourself with idiots! Fly higher than the Eagles... and don't run with the turkeys! Deus Vult!