Cotten Cordell Big O

Started by analfisherman, March 27, 2018, 01:51:10 PM

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OK, I've heard about them.
I researched them.
I still really am confused.

First, second hand shop, my buddies, has three Big Os.
Wants $5 per crank.

Pretty sure it's the 2in in box so I guess I can go back and get model number etc.
Is $5 a good price and it's the

Super Shad color

Has three.......thinking of offering $12 for the three....else going to probably get One....if at all.

I'm using crappie cranks right now.

Water is extremely cold 36-40 degrees so I'm cranking as slow as possible.

So I 'want' a shallow runner and rocks 'can be involved'.
Else I just want it to stay above last years dead vegetation.
Are they 'high, fast other words....are they fast rising or slow rising?

So, too much 'wobble' for cold water?
Can I fish it SLOW?

Are they as good as the 'hype' claims?

"Fishing isn't life or death... it's more important than that."


I had several that were worn out, most the paint gone. Got them in a package deal buying old cranks right here from UB.
I sanded them down & repainted them.

I don't remember what I got for them each. Couple bucks I guess. ;)
Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.

SFL BassHunter

Cheaper than BPS. BPS has em for 6.49
PB: 6lbs 5oz / 24.25 inches.
Rods/Reels Dobyns, 13 Fishing, Cabelas Arachnid, Daiwa Tatula CT, Tatula SVTW, Tatula Tactical, Tatula Type R
Florida Bass Fishing

Mike Cork

If they are originals JUMP on it and put them up... But if they are just regular production $12 for three works for me :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


They were the first of the "alphabet" cranks and better than any crank at the time. The original Big O was almost a miracle crankbait. The stories of huge sacks of bass seemed too good to be true. However, the stories were true and few were yet on the market. Anglers rented them for up to $25 for a 4 hr guided trip. I still have my original Big O in my collection. If the bass were shallow, it ruled the day. Up till I got my hands on a Big O, my crank box contained Lazy Ike. Leaping Lizards, Bombers and River Runts. Oops, almost forgot the grandaddy crank. It was a Mirro-lure. The Mirro-Lure of yesteryear looks just like the Mirro-Lure of today.



When you folks talk about original, you talking Balsa Wood ones or like the ones from 1980ish?

These are NOT BALSA.....they are Plastic.

Just checked dates on package....1984.
One Smokey Joe and two Super Shad color.

Body is 2in but if I measure to the bill it's 2 1/ that means it's the 1/3 oz. diving to 3-5' right?

I really wanted the 2in which dives to 2-4'.

But if fished slow I should easily be able to keep it under 5'....thinking 3-4 ft.


Anyway I got three for...I started/tried to get $9.... to which he said, "$12, I'm already coming down $3!"
"Joe, you know I have a 6yr. daughter and a new house, right?"

Which I replied, "If you turn off the lights an hour early tonight that saves electricity and we're back to $9."
He said, "Tell you what......give me $11 and promise to leave my store right away.....we got a deal!"

I said, "Fine!".......and stayed and talked another half hour.  ~roflmao ~roflmao
"Fishing isn't life or death... it's more important than that."

D.W. Verts

I have an original, 1973 WOODEN Big-O. I'd take, oh I don't know, maybe two, three hundred for it. Or maybe not...

They were (are) great plugs. In their origins they were the BEST. But nowadays  I don't believe they do anything spectacularly different than other baits. I have several, mostly older plastic ones.

Years back they had a short run of re-issue WOOD baits.

Up-size your line to make a plug run shallower, although for me their isn't enough difference in a couple of feet, in shallow water, to bother me. But I ain't ANAL!

My first one was a 1/4 oz. in the Smokey Joe. I plum wore that thing out.
Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff


Good baits, good price.  Those are the "older" ones, not the originals.  Use heavier line and hold your rod tip up if you don't want them to dive deep.  Smokey Joe will always be my favorite color.


Nice catch anal, run them the way njpaulc and Dale mentioned and they should work out for you.
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.


the big o baits are a plastic copy of fred youngs lure.  these baits are truly the first sqaure bills that are now the rage.  they are made to fish fast, just as the newer version square bill are.

put on some bigger line and a high speed reel and get with it.  they produce knock the rod out your hand strikes.  i still have a few of them someplace.

On Heaven's Lake