NJ Saltwater Regulations - Clarification Needed

Started by PECo, February 13, 2018, 08:24:24 PM

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I understand that New Jersey does NOT require a license for recreational marine fishing, although it requires recreational marine fishermen to register on its Saltwater Registry every year at SaltwaterRegistry.nj.gov. I've registered, but need some clarification regarding New Jersey's recreational marine fishing regulations.

I plan to fish for striped bass from the banks of the Passaic River in downtown Newark. Yes, I know that it's a Superfund Site. And, no, I don't intend to keep ANYTHING that I catch. Hopefully, that includes illnesses.

Attached is New Jersey's 2017 Recreational Marine Fishing Regulations Summary Sheet:

I know that the Passaic River in downtown Newark is tidal, but is it open to recreational fishing year-round? In other words, is it considered to be within three miles of the Atlantic Ocean or part of the "All other marine waters" that are closed in January and February every year?