There's Still Room in Free Summer Youth Programs at Owl Brook

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News from the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

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There's Still Room in Free Summer Youth Programs at Owl Brook Hunter Education Center

Tom Flynn: 603-536-1290
Becky Johnson 603-271-3211

June 7, 2017

HOLDERNESS, N.H. -- Free youth day programs are being offered once again this summer at Owl Brook Hunter Education Center in Holderness. These programs give both boys and girls ages 10-15 the chance to learn about shooting sports, bowhunting and other outdoor skills. Sessions will be offered in July and August.  Owl Brook is operated by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Sessions are free of charge.

To sign up, visit

Under "View Classes at Owl Brook," select "Youth Hunting Skills" and select the program/dates you are interested in attending.

Watch a three-minute video about the youth day programs at Owl Brook at

In general, the Owl Brook summer day programs will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, unless otherwise noted, beginning July 11 and ending August 10. Tuesdays will be for youth age 10-12 and Thursdays will be for youth age 13-15. Bring your own bag lunch.

Participants may register for one or more sessions, which are held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sessions with openings are listed below.

Week 1: (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
Bowhunting/Archery skills
Thursday, July 13 - (13-15 year olds)

Week 2: (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
Shooting Sports
Thursday, July 20 - (13-15 year olds)

Week 3: Classes Full

Week 4: (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
Outdoor Skills
Tuesday, August 1- (10-12 year olds)
Thursday, August 3 - (13-15 year olds)

Week 5: (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
Exploring the Outdoors
Tuesday, August 8 - (10-12 year olds)
Thursday, August 10 - (13-15 year olds)

The mission of the Owl Brook Hunter Education Center is to educate individuals in the knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed to become safe and responsible hunters, trappers and stewards of the state's natural resources.  Its facilities include shooting ranges, classroom space and interpretive trails.

To learn more about Owl Brook, please visit

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