help hooking up 24 volt TM

Started by cojab, March 01, 2016, 04:07:10 PM

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Hey all, I need some more help hooking up a Minnkota Powerdrive.
To recap here's what I'm working with,
1998 Bass Tracker Pro Team 185  Removing the stock Motor Guide 12/24 unit and putting on a Minnkota 24 volt Powerdrive.
The Powerdrive has a black and a red wire coming out if it.
My boat has a 6 pole plug with four wires going to it.

Orange -1.05 volts
Black -15.60 volts
Black with Blue tracer 13.45 volts
Red 13.45 volts

I know that tracker joined the two 12 volt leads in their plug to make the 24 volt lead for the Motorguide but that stock plug was removed from my boat and replaced with a standard 6 pole plug. How should I make a 24 volt lead for the new motor?
Should I just run a new 24 volt wire all the way from the batteries or should I join the two 12 volt leads at the plug somewhere? I'm kinda leaning to running new wire and installing a new breaker but its obviously more cost and a PITA.
Also, Why am I showing - voltage on the black and orange wires? Which one do I hook to the ground side of the new motor?

Long question but thanks.

TTK has spoken.


     My personal opinion and what I did on my old Ranger with the 4 wire 12/24 setup is I eliminated 2 of the 4 wires I pulled the white and orange out of the boat used the red and black (all 4 were 4 or 6ga , I'll have to look once it quits raining lol ) to simplify and just made my 24v at the batteries with one short jumper instead of the connector when I went to a 24v only TM. I had problems with the little jumper bar in the connector not staying tight and causing heat buildup and melting the plastic connector. I find it easier on me if all I have is 2 wires , Red+ and Black - .
If your 4 wires are the right size then 2 will work fine for that (maybe 15 foot or less ?) run on a 24v system . Just make sure you install the breaker. Here's an example
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Just what I needed BigWrench!

I really hadn't thought of re-using the existing wiring. (what a dumba$$ I am) lol. It's either 6 or 8 gauge right now so I might be able to re-use it.
One way or the other I have some tracing to do. The current set up has breakers in the wiring already. I might just delete those and wire in a new one anyways since they are closing in on 20 years old.

Thanks again.
TTK has spoken.