Need help finding good repair shop

Started by lovefishing, June 25, 2015, 09:31:24 PM

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Well its been awhile since my last post, mainly because I've had nothing to brag about. My boat  engine has been keeping me out of the game. I started having problems shortly after returning from Toho. I took it to Thunder Marine last Tues and was told they should be able to get to it the next day after I had expressed my angessness to get it fixed asap. They have worked on my boat before and I buy parts, oil, etc and have always been really pleased with the service and friendliness. I was told they would run diagnostics and get back to me. I finally called them late Thurs afternoon and was informed they were really backed-up but would get to it asap. Well he calls me last night and tells me the head is seperated from the lower-end, that the bolts were close to falling out. He said they would have to fix that before proceeding with any futher diagnostics. In order to do that, lets just say we are talking a couple hours anyway, he did tell me however he would discount thier hourly labor rate to 105 an hour. Fine; do what you gotta do, I just want my boat fixed. Well he calls me today and says the futher they got, the worse it got. He said there wasn't even a gasket, loose bolts all thru and something about the rectifier. The worse part is he said they didn't have the time it would take. So now back to my original subject. Does anyone know of a good reputable mechanic in the Pinnellas County area that might have the time and not cost me more than the engines worth. Its just a little 50 hp mercury force 2 cylinder, 2 stoke. I think it's like a 1995 maybe 98 or so. It's not the original engine to the boat. I just bought the boat maybe 3 months ago. Thought I got a pretty good deal; guess not, huh! Apparently whoever worked on the motor just thought they knew what they were doing. Help