Hey Trigger, Lets Talk Rigging.

Started by Pferox, April 10, 2015, 02:22:18 PM

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I mentioned those Tennis cord rigs because I've found them to hold up much better than a lighter type, like is often used for Crappie fishing. Those lighter types usually have spreader wires made from stainless steel wire, but I've had them cut into the leaders with some of the bigger fish possible in the salt. Those tennis cord rigs are made with a heavy brass wire spreader that doesn't damage the leader.

Also, look around for prices for those rigs as they'll vary a lot from one retailer to another. Last time I bought any, which was a few years ago I found them online at a shop here in MD. (Oyster Bay Tackle in Ocean City). Unfortunately the women who ran that shop passed away last year, and I no longer see them listed. She was one of the good ones who had a reputation for knowing how to keep things stocked that anglers actually could use!  ~shade

Anyway, Jero's Tackle & South Bend both make them, so you should be able to find them easy enough. Some will come with sinkers, but I usually try to get just the rig & add my own sinkers.

I did a quick search & found them ranging in price from $1.99 to $6.50 for the same rigs, so you do have to look around!  :(

Yes, a silver/nickel spinner works well, but there are times gold or even a painted blade will get more action. I don't get too concerned about fancy blade colors like you might see on Walleye rigs and stick to basic colors like chartreuse, white or black in addition to the silver or gold.
Fanatical Fly Tyer & Tackle Maker!  It's An OBSESSION!!  J. Hester Fly & Tackle Co. LLC.


I've never heard of a Tennis cord rig.  Can you provide a couple of pictures of them opened up Jim?  They aren't available around here from what I can tell, and would probably have to make some up.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


Yes, the Ugly Stick will handle quite large fish, no problem.

50 lb mono will be tough to cast any great distance, but will handle just about anything you are going to encounter.

All I see you need are hooks, weights, and a Good 8 inch or longer pair of long nosed stainless steel pliers.   Also get a pair of toenail clippers from the dollar store to cut your fishing line easier.

You might want to put all of your gear into a 5 gallon bucket, this way you can have your cooler cleared out for drinks and snacks, and if you are going to bring fish home, can put them in there too.

Sounds like you are just about to be on your way to catching fish.  NOW we will be looking for reports, and pictures of those catches.   ~read  ~bb
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


Jim, I don't have a pic of the rig as it would look in use, but here's a good one in a package. The main line is the same material used to string tennis rackets, thus the name. There's a swivel at the top, two spreaders where you would attach your hook leaders & a clip at the bottom for attaching your sinker. In this pic, there's a sinker with the rig. As you can see, and as I said above these are much heavier duty than the Hi Lo rigs commonly used by Crappie anglers or made with the stainless wire.

Fanatical Fly Tyer & Tackle Maker!  It's An OBSESSION!!  J. Hester Fly & Tackle Co. LLC.


I see, Jim.  So basically it is a double drop rig with wire stand offs, and the main line is Tennis Racket wire.

I have seen something similar made for blue water fishing in England, but they only use one boom.

I can see where they are drop down rigs instead of castable.  Interesting idea.  When I get bored, might try to make something similar, although will probably use mono as the main line.  When I do, I'll post pictures.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


I ordered all my supplies and will probably get to fishing next weekend!

Thank you Pferox for all your help, would've had a way harder time without you.


QuoteSo basically it is a double drop rig with wire stand offs, and the main line is Tennis Racket wire.

That's exactly correct! They can be cast short distances, but not the best rig for long distance. I generally use stout boat casting/trolling rods with this type of rig so they don't cast all that well anyway.

Stout mono will work too if you make your own. I like these rigs primarily because of the heavy brass wire spreaders. If I could find a source for them & would make my own too. I can find the stainless wire type, but not what I want.
Fanatical Fly Tyer & Tackle Maker!  It's An OBSESSION!!  J. Hester Fly & Tackle Co. LLC.


Quote from: Trigger3lite on April 11, 2015, 07:37:32 PM
I ordered all my supplies and will probably get to fishing next weekend!

Thank you Pferox for all your help, would've had a way harder time without you.

Glad you are getting ready to fish.  I'm looking forward to reports, and pictures of your fantastic catches, and if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask, one of us will be around to help.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


Quote from: bigjim5589 on April 11, 2015, 08:17:48 PM
That's exactly correct! They can be cast short distances, but not the best rig for long distance. I generally use stout boat casting/trolling rods with this type of rig so they don't cast all that well anyway.

Stout mono will work too if you make your own. I like these rigs primarily because of the heavy brass wire spreaders. If I could find a source for them & would make my own too. I can find the stainless wire type, but not what I want.

Ought to check on brass brazing wire, they have them in different sizes.  I've also seen heavier copper rigging wire, although that might not be thick or stout enough, AND maybe too flexible.

I'm going to try to find this Youtube episode they did on the Totally Awesome Fishing Show that they showed how to make the standoffs they use, out of Coat Hangers, and they show the couple of types of commercial ones available.

Why not stainless?  Might actually find heavier single strand leader wire that would do the job.

That is an interesting rig, definitely going to work on a couple of prototypes, that I can half cast around here to test out.  I do know they would work great pier fishing.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


Jim, I've thought about making my own wire spreaders, and am aware that brazing wire & heavier stainless could work, just don't have the spare time to spend bending all that wire. Plus, I don't have an appropriate type wire bender for it. The one I have is too small. I've found places that sell the stainless wire spreaders like are used on the Crappie rigs in bulk, but not the type on those tennis cord rigs. I'm sure they're available somewhere, I just haven't found them yet!  lo
Fanatical Fly Tyer & Tackle Maker!  It's An OBSESSION!!  J. Hester Fly & Tackle Co. LLC.


Ya know, except for the wire that extends the leader, they don't look much different than the dropper rigs I make out of mono, and they are castable.  Mine don't tangle in the surf, but the traces might be heavier or shorter than you guys use, not sure.

Let me see if I can scrounge up a better picture of a couple of those leaders for you to see.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


Here are a couple variations of my drop rigs, they are castable, and don't tangle (usually) in heavy surf, and NEVER tangle without a crab's assistance in directional current.

I'm showing a single drop just for illustration purposes, but do make double drop rigs a lot too, it is just a matter of longer main leader, adding a couple of crimps, swivel, and beads.  These rigs stand off without booms, although I can see where that can be a positive thing for some applications.  In directional currents I have gone down to 15lb mono traces with no problems.

This is about how it hangs naturally, without any weight, as you can see there is quite a bit of distance between the hook and main leader.  This particular one has some attractor beads on the main leader to help with drum species. They will catch just about anything except big toothy critters, like large shark and King Mackerel. 

Unlike commercially made ones, I use the beads as a bearing surface for the swivel, which creates the standoff, and the free rotation around the main leader doesn't abrade it. When done correctly, it will spin freely facilitating longer life to live baits.

There are a few ways you can attach a hook, snelling (80lb line is a challenge though), crimping directly, or adding a snap and snapping the hook on.  I prefer the direct connection most of the time.  Longer traces can be used instead of the shorter ones on this one if you are in directional current and aren't planning on casting long.  This particular rig is more oriented for surf fishing.  I made a few for a guy who uses them off of a boat somewhere around here and the trace was three times the length of the drop, don't know how it worked, never heard back from him.

One of the nice things is that these are rebuildable and the main rig lasts a long time, compared to the commercial rigs.  Just replace the traces and hooks.  I even made some with replaceable traces that clip on to the swivel for a guy a while back, he has yet to have one fail, usually looses them because he forgets to retie.  ~b~

They are pretty quick to make, and can be done in steps.  I have the lengths for the line components marked out on my rigging table so it is pretty much a measure and cut thing if you figure it out, they are a bit more in cost compared to store bought, but are much cheaper in the long run because they last longer.

In the way of tools, all it takes is a measuring instrument, line or wire cutter (if you are making them in wire), and a good crimper. 

If anybody is interested in the component list, let me know, I can post it here.  This is kind of long, so I'm going to post up a cheaper, lighter, still in the test phase rig next post.

"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


I'm trying something a little different, and cheaper for the Bayou, it is also less hardware which will be nice for bay fishing around here, especially where I go a lot, and usually donate a lot to the snag gods.

It is getting to be the time of year that the crabs are a PIA, they can tear up some terminal tackle, which is one reason I try to stick with 80 lb test mono (Ande Premium pink) instead of lighter traces.  Most fish around here tend to be under 50lbs, so I figured 50lb hardware should be doable as the heaviest to look into.  Heck even 20lb should work since my drags are set much lighter than that usually and most fish are relatively small in comparison.

I started off with getting some of these swivel clips off of Ebay they are very cheap, less than a nickel each, add a small swivel for about 3 cents a piece from ebay, a couple crimps, some line and I have a strong dropper rig for less than half a buck.  All items are supposed to be rated at 50 lbs, with the exception of the hook trace clip I had laying around which are rated at 20 or 30 lbs I think.

First thing I did was remove the clip and put aside for the weight clip.  Since I'm only doing a few of these for test, it wasn't too big of a deal, and I do have more time than money.   Then it is just a matter of assembling.  The plastic housing on the one end of the swivel takes the place of the two beads so I can trap that between two crimps, leave some space, which I usually don't do with beads, but seems to work well that way with this. The swivel spins freely around the vertical line.

The little top swivel I am using is also from Ebay, and was a lot smaller than I thought a # 6 or 8 should be, but it is rated at 50 lbs, and I have been using them for other things for the past few months and they have held up exceedingly well.  I have actually tied Palomar knots on it with 40lb mono, although it did take a little coaxing.

The finished product is still a little coil-ie right now because the line came right off of the half pound spool, but with some weight on it it straightens right on out.

Man it is tough getting a good picture of these things, even with macro.  With the smaller hardware, I can see where this would make an interesting rig with wire, and am thinking about making a few that way, only concern I have is it being a big cost increase and those hang ups will still take them.

"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


Jim, those are some good looking rigs you make! I've done some similar, but as I stated above I like to use the hooks with spinners & beads & because of the added weight they don't stay out away from the main line very well & tend to tangle. That's one reason I like the tennis cord rigs.

For the fish finder rig I use, I too use something like you've posted.

This allows the hook & bait to slide & have little resistance so the bait is taken deeper rather than simply nibble away. I use a float on the hook leader too to aid in keeping it off the bottom. I'll use the same spinner hooks too, but not always. Depending on my target species I'll also use a circle hook.
Fanatical Fly Tyer & Tackle Maker!  It's An OBSESSION!!  J. Hester Fly & Tackle Co. LLC.


I'm going to try those spinners.  And I also use a Carolina rig with floats.  Did you know they call that a Santee Cooper Rig?

I usually use some type of Carolina rig in directional current, like the Bayou, some areas in the bay.  But when you get into surf fishing you are kind of stuck with some kind of dropper rig until you get out beyond the third sandbar, usually because of the clothes washer type currents.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim
