Can't make up my mind?? 684cb or 685cb

Started by Drake691, March 23, 2015, 10:54:38 PM

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Ok so i'm in a bit of a pickle here. I'm looking for a new topwater/jerkbait rod. One that would be fine with sammy 100's, gunfish 95's and some poppers. But i'm not looking for one to turn into a whip, some backbone is needed. The reason I'm upgrading is because I was using a Savvy 663 but that was a bit to stiff of a rod for topwaters. I'm kind leaning towards the 684   
I have lots of great personality traits. Or as my doctor calls them, symptoms.


The 684 is awesome. At first, I thought "There is no way i can use this as a jerkbait/popper rod".  Boy was I ever wrong.  Far exceeded expectations!

I have never used a 683 or 685 but the 684 is outstanding.  I also use it as my small squarebill rod. Pulled in a 3-10 with it, no problem at all. 

Mike Bush

684cb is my standard jerkbait rod, and then turns into my popper rod when that bite gets going. I have thrown 1/2oz MB poppers without issue on mono. One of my favorite setups. You can walk baits in place with that rod and mono. Enough tip to work any bait without the bait overworking the rod.

I caught a 5 on that rod last year with a popper. No issues at all controlling the fish. Have a YouTube video from that day on my channel. Probably caught 30 fish on that popper and 684.