Looking for a bass club near Mansfield, AR

Started by Chend08, May 01, 2015, 03:35:06 PM

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Just got out of the military and settled on Lake Spur in Mansfield, AR. Im looking for a local bass club that holds a few tournaments here and there that don't mind small outboard motors. I ahave a 2013 Bass Tracker 165 but only have a 20 on it because were I was stationed most of the lakes around were no wake lakes so I took the cheaper way out. But im looking to do some tournaments and was hoping someone could help me out. Thanks for your time. Shoot me a PM and let me know.


Hey Chend08. Welcome to the Ultimate Bass family and thank you for your service to our great country!   ~flag   It is truly a pleasure to have you with us. Please pull up a chair, make yourself right at home and jump in wherever you feel comfortable. 

Sorry that I can't help you with your search for a club, but hopefully some of our other members from your area will see this thread and respond.

If you find a minute stop by the Let Us Get To Know You board and say hello. Lots of members check in there to welcome new members and it may be another way for you to find a hookup to a club.  :)

If you would like to win some free gear from some of the great companies that sponsor our site be sure and put your name in for the New Member's Contest and the Weekly Contests.

In the meantime if I can be of any help with anything please don't hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to seeing you around the boards and to learning from what you share with us.

Once again, Welcome!

><> Smallie_Stalker  <><
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