How to make your spinner bait and jig holders mobile

Started by omcforever, November 14, 2013, 04:44:07 PM

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 ~cf  I use Cooks go to white spinner bait holders in my Ranger. What I did was use industrial strength velcro(5GTR7-5GTR8) and velcro them to the inside of my hatches. Now I take the same velco and mount it in my man cave/bait room and keep holders loaded with night time baits/day baits/jigs/cranks/different colors and sizes, ect,ect. I then just keep them there and when I go fishing just take the holder and type needed and mount in boat. I then return it/them to storage when done. Saves on loading boat with tons of gear and frees up space for too many rods and reels. ~roflmao
Smallmouth Bass,,,what more can I say
1994 Ranger R72 1994 Johnson 115



This sounds like a really good idea.  It is little things like this that make a big difference.  Is there any chance that you can post a picture of how you have this rigged up?  Maybe in your boat?
