When adding clear coat?

Started by FishingTennessee, February 20, 2013, 08:11:39 PM

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do i add it lightly or do i add alot at once? trying to get it really smooth.
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I do several light coats. But I'm new to the bait scene.


IMO, it's better to use thin coats & see how it comes out. You can add additional coats if needed, but once it's there, a thick coat would be hard to fix if there's any problems with. I've learned that the hard way while applying epoxy coatings to fly rod poppers! Plus, keep in mind any coating you add will add more weight & may change the action of a lure some. Keeping it thin to begin with will add the least amount of weight & if you do a thick coat & it changes the weight too drastically, again it would be more difficult to fix it.
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Two medium-thin coats of Envirotex Lite is what I use, very rarely more.  Slathering it on may allow you to use only one coat, but you'll get uneven thickness of the epoxy.
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ok thats whats made it look like that thanks guys
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