2A Under Attack / MD

Started by tdt91, January 22, 2013, 09:47:20 PM

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Ladies and gents, welcome to the main event. This is the bill Governor O'Malley told us about, and we need to fight it.

The text of this bill is up, and the bill can be found here:

Direct link to text:

A quick summary for you:

Altering the authorization for a person to wear, carry, or transport a handgun to be within specified limitations; designating specified firearms as assault weapons; prohibiting, with specified exceptions, a person from transporting an assault weapon into the State or possessing, selling, offering to sell, transferring, purchasing, or receiving an assault weapon; authorizing specified licensed firearms dealers to continue to possess, sell, offer for sale, or transfer specified weapons under specified circumstances; etc.

Highlights thus far:
1. Guns will be grandfathered, but need to be registered.Here we go!!! MD going to make lots of law abiding citizens criminals instantly if they follow our constitution.
2. Magazines are the same as before, just lowered to 10rds.
3. Muzzle brakes, comps, and threaded barrels are not banned features on rifles (but you would not be able to mount a suppressor, as it's a flash hider).
4. Pump and bolt guns are exempted. (this is to keep you hunters quite) If you don't fight now you will never be in the ring again.
5. Threaded barrels on pistols are banned, but only if they can be used for a muzzle device (aka, doesn't ban non-threaded-barrel P22s by accident).
6. Restrictions on semi-auto shotguns are surprisingly light (folding/telescoping stock + Pistol Grip is the only thing banned).
7. Everything on the current regulated long arms list is banned, including their copies.
8. Inheritance is in!
9. Rimfire rifles are not included, but rimfire pistols are included.
10. Bullet buttons seem to be addressed, but the language is bizarre and unclear.
11. Carry permits require 16h training.
12. Handgun permits require 8h training (or a carry permit), background check, and $100 every five years.
13. Much more flexibility for prohibiting individuals from ownership on mental health issues.
14. "Good and substantial reason" language for carry permits is still present.
15. Bans possession of ammunition if you would be prohibited from owning a regulated firearm (which includes people under 21).

Please feel free to read the bill and email the senators who are 1) in the judicial committee and 2) sponsoring this bill. We want them to see well-crafted arguments about specifics of the bill.

You may think that your hunting rifle or shotgun is safe but what year will they target it for being banned. How many of you want to take an 8 hour (how expensive of a class) class to just be able to own a handgun. Plus pay $100 per five years to the government just to own one. If we let them do this what is next? What laws are on the books now that 20 years ago you would have said it will never happen?
Do any of you think any of these laws will reduce any crime what so ever? Criminals don't buy their guns legally and don't follow laws, it's time for all 2A supporters to contact your elected officials and stand up for 2A. If you don't support the 2A then thats up to you but please start your own thread. There will be a very large protest in Anapolis on Feb 8th, 100's have already committed to taking the day of from work to attend. Please do so yourself as this is pretty much the last stand. For you guys who believe in the 2A but don't own guns, please stand with 2A supporters as 2A supporters will be there to stand with you when they attempt to limit fishing and gear.

Original Rat


Yep, it does need to be fought and defeated.  The 2nd Amendment is quite clear that it SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.  And I see a whole lot of infringement going on in this bill.

So guys and girls, if you live in Maryland, whether you own a gun or not, you NEED to be contacting your representative, your congressman, your senator and let them know (politely of course) that if they support this bill, you will refuse to vote for them.

The 1st Amendment guarantees our right to free speech.  How long do you think that will remain if the 2nd Amendment is compromised?  Oh sure, it's only a little bit now, and then it'll be a little bit more, and a little bit more until our freedoms are GONE

OK, rant mode off....

Steve Huber OutdoorFrontiersTv


This agenda is from a much higher power than the state of MD, and its elected officials.......The Govt wants to disarm America before economic collapse, which is going to happen soon.  We ain't paying off that $, hell we can't pay the interest to the Chinese who own us.  The "school shootings" are being used for political agenda to disarm US citizens, and the "agenda" has been set it stone to be slowly carried out.  If all that bothers you, this article will really get you hot and bothered.  The next war will be fought on our own soil..........I hate talkin politics, but this needs to be understood since most of America has their head in the sand and ass in the air while they listen to Jersey Shore or Teen Mom TV shows.  Article cut down due to space restraints on UB.  If you think this is crazy talk, then you should return to "assuming the position" so you can get  ^-^ 'd.   ;D

Does China Plan To Establish "China Cities" And "Special Economic Zones" All Over America?

Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
Jan 23, 2013

What in the world is China up to?  Over the past several years, the Chinese government and large Chinese corporations (which are often at least partially owned by the government) have been systematically buying up businesses, homes, farmland, real estate, infrastructure and natural resources all over America.  In some cases, China appears to be attempting to purchase entire communities in one fell swoop.  So why is this happening?  Is this some form of "economic colonization" that is taking place?  Some have speculated that China may be intending to establish "special economic zones" inside the United States modeled after the very successful Chinese city of Shenzhen.  Back in the 1970s, Shenzhen was just a very small fishing village, but now it is a sprawling metropolis of over 14 million people.  Initially, these "special economic zones" were only established within China, but now the Chinese government has been buying huge tracts of land in foreign countries such as Nigeria and establishing special economic zones in those nations.  So could such a thing actually happen in America?  Well, according to Dr. Jerome Corsi, a plan being pushed by the Chinese Central Bank would set up "development zones" in the United States that would allow China to "establish Chinese-owned businesses and bring in its citizens to the U.S. to work."  Under the plan, some of the $1.17 trillion that the U.S. owes China would be converted from debt to "equity".  As a result, "China would own U.S. businesses, U.S. infrastructure and U.S. high-value land, all with a U.S. government guarantee against loss."  Does all of this sound far-fetched?  Well, it isn't.  In fact, the economic colonization of America is already far more advanced than most Americans would dare to imagine.

So how in the world did we get to this point?  A few decades ago, the United States was the unchallenged economic powerhouse of the world and China was essentially a third world country.

So what happened?

Well, we entered into a whole bunch of extremely unfavorable "free trade" agreements, and countries such as China began to aggressively use "free trade" as an economic weapon against us.

Over the past decade, we have lost tens of thousands of businesses and millions of jobs to China.  When the final numbers for 2012 come out, our trade deficit with China for the year will be well over 300 billion dollars, and that will be the largest trade deficit that one country has had with another country in the history of the world.

Overall, the U.S. has run a trade deficit with China over the past decade that comes to more than 2.3 trillion dollars.  That 2.3 trillion dollars could have gone to U.S. businesses and U.S. workers, and in turn taxes would have been paid on all of that money.  But instead, all of that money went to China.

Rather than just sitting on all of that money, China has been lending much of it back to us – at interest.  We now owe China more than a trillion dollars, and our politicians are constantly pleading with China to lend more money to us so that we can finance our exploding debt.

Today, the U.S. government pays China approximately 100 million dollars a day in interest on the debt that we owe them.  Those that say that the U.S. debt "does not matter" are being incredibly foolish.

So thanks to our massive trade deficit and our exploding national debt, China is systematically getting wealthier and the United States is systematically getting poorer.

READ MORE HERE http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/   

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