Hydro wave??

Started by Budauto, November 25, 2013, 04:46:33 PM

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Thinking about adding a hydro wave to the boat this winter. What experiences have you had with this product? Gimmick or for real?


Never had one. I surely do not think its a gimmick!!! Some of the best pros will not fish without it.
It is just another tool some will use and love it other will hate it and talk bad about it.

Lee Smith

I use mine mainly during the shad chasing times.  You can actually see the shad get excited when they are bunched up and I truly believe it helps.  Can't give you numbers, and may be my imagination but, I think it helps. 

As said, just another tool, use it as one.  ;D
Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods


I want one also :) may have to wait awhile , but from what I have read about them they work
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Sc Bassin

I don't have one and have almost purchased one several times. The only pros I have that talk it up are the ones sponsored by it. I have wondered if during Striper season that using while they are busting big balls of bait that it might keep them up longer. Lee kind of answered that. So far I have I have upgraded my electronics to the best I can get. I think that helps more.


 I'm confused.
Kriet and Van Dam are sponsoring other anglers?
Checking VanDams and Kriets boats and unis, I'm not sure they even sponsor thierselves?

I have been fascinated with this product since 2010. Can't tell you how many times I've fought the monkey on this one.  >:D

Than  sold all my bassboats and felt I finally WON at least ONE battle with the monkey. kept my PA-14

NOW they come out with the mini. 
Dang MONKEY!!!!   ~rant

I talked with VanDam 2 years ago when he was in LaCrosse about this product.
He said I maybe amazed how many elites are using them and when asked why I don't hear more about them at wiegh ins. Hear power pole from even non-sponsored anglers.
His response was..."I got sponsors."  :)

Was told from a FLW well respected angler on the FLW series that I'd probably find the unit in/on 70% of the boats. Probably even more on the elite boats he said.  :-\

Being anal I can't even begin to tell you how much research on this topic I've done.

Hear's my thoughts,
They are basically an electronic 'chummer'.
Talk to any saltwater fisher and they will tell you, chumming has it's time and place just like an umbrella rig but they are just another tool not a do all or guarantee of any sort.
Is it effective?  Yes.
Is it effective always?   Not sure?   It's kind of like when the bass are busting the shad schools everywhere except that shad based lure your throwing.  ~rant ;D plus look at VanDam's last couple of seasons  :)

Now my last challenge that I may never understand is that BPS has a special VanDam unit that only has Kevins favorites. Now if YOU manufactured something and you had certain things you really liked about said item. Wouldn't you incorporate it into EVERY SINGLE UNIT?

Anyway these are strictly MY take on the Hydro and now with a mini at under $200 bucks.....
And with 3 months of hard water ahead and having to contend with withdrawls......my guess.....I'LL LOOSE.  :'(

Last thing I'm researching is how much battery drain on the mini.
We don't have full size batteries usually in a Kayak and I already run a 798ci full time now.
Will the battery last for an 8hr outting.

Remember, these ramblings come from an angler that does not have one....yet.
"Fishing isn't life or death... it's more important than that."


I wonder if the mini version will work icefishing? I hope it would get the walleye, brookies and splake going
I have lots of great personality traits. Or as my doctor calls them, symptoms.


They work in the right situation.  I have had a number times where I have pulled up somewhere someone else was fishing, small chit chat and the other fisherman hasn't had any luck, drop the trolling motor, turn on the Hydrowave and start catching fish.  I've even been asked why all of a sudden the bait fish start jumping and being chased.  I usually just shrug my shoulder and keep fishing.  You've got to use the right sound with the right situation as well but that's for you to figure out.  Can't give all of the secrets away.....


Quote from: surveyor13 on December 19, 2013, 02:28:30 PM
You've got to use the right sound with the right situation as well but that's for you to figure out.  Can't give all of the secrets away.....
You can tell me , I won't tell no one I swear *crosses fingers*
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Quote from: Drake691 on November 30, 2013, 03:05:18 PM
I wonder if the mini version will work icefishing? I hope it would get the walleye, brookies and splake going

Good question.

Pacific NW Ron

My opinion is they do work as mentioned.  The right sound in the right condition.  Of course there is no guarantee they will catch fish, but then does any lure have that guarantee?
They will work just as good for ice fishing.  On the battery issue the mini uses a nine volt battery.
And the best part is I have the mini at $115.00 and the freshwater unit for $365.00
Enjoying retirement in the great Pacific Northwest.  I've turned into a fair weather angler.  Why do it today when I can do it tomorrow?


You talking a transiter battery like you use in toys?
If so, they must draw almost no energy at all.
"Fishing isn't life or death... it's more important than that."

Pacific NW Ron

Yep, the little 9 volt like you might use in calculator or toys.  I have only had one person report back and he said he had a cheap battery and he got three trips out of it.  What I didn't ask him is how long he had it turned on per trip. 
Enjoying retirement in the great Pacific Northwest.  I've turned into a fair weather angler.  Why do it today when I can do it tomorrow?


"Fishing isn't life or death... it's more important than that."