wed night 3fer JUNE 20th

Started by greg hall, May 09, 2012, 05:41:51 PM

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greg hall

Middle River Bass
Presents the all new
Wednesday Night 3FER

3 Hours * 3 Fish * 3 Paybacks + Lunker!

3 hours starting at *6:00 p.m. sharp!
One Day Only, Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Location: Mariner Point Park, Joppatowne, Maryland

$40 per boat entry + $10 Lunker Fee (cash only at ramp)
Cash payback as follows:
1st Place: $15 per boat (example: 20 boats = $300)
2nd Place: $10 per boat (example: 20 boats = $200)
3rd Place: $ 5 per boat (example: 20 boats = $100)
Big Fish: 100% payback

1 or 2 person teams. Launch sequence by order of sign-up at ramp, starting at 5 p.m. M. R. Bass tournament rules apply.

Additional info: Brandon: 443-910-5045 or Scott 410-977-1669


Correct me I am wrong greg?

So you guys keep 25 dollars out of every 40 paid?

Team OutCast

Creel Limit Zero

It looks like they keep $10 out of the $40.  They pay back $30 of the $40, and all of the $10 lunker. 


gotcha...... dont know what I was looking at

Team OutCast


What were you doing during math class Jason??? ~b~
Approved Ultimate Bass Guide


Team OutCast


 ~roflmao you mean dreaming of fishing Stro.
Team Outcast
TBF Maryland


Quote from: hockeyref on May 15, 2012, 06:37:00 PM
~roflmao you mean dreaming of fishing Stro.

No... I really mean checkin out the chicks   >:D

Team OutCast