Triton/Crestliner VT 17 or Tracker 175 TXW?

Started by The frenchie, June 30, 2011, 09:18:07 PM

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The frenchie

Hi everyone

Can you help me to make a choice between these two boats please? Which one gives the best safety and stability on windy lakes? (5000 to 10 000 acres lakes with waves sometimes reaching 2 feet).
I'd also like to have your opinion on the comfort, features, and fishing abilities of these boats 

Thank you
Sorry for my english!


   Well soon your choices wil be down to two as Triton is getting out of the aluminum boat business. I know the triton's are built by Crestliner. I have a tracker 2002 175xt it's storage leaves something to be desired. I know the newer models have addressed this problem but personally I like the vt17 storage better. The Tracker with the Revolution hull will run a little better if you keep it near the upper limit of the horse power range. If your going with the smaller side of the horse power 50 horse or below I'd go with the Triton/Crestliner. Hope that helps ya a little but that's also just my opinion. Good luck in picking a new boat.
A fish a day keeps postal away. See fishing is relaxing.  Member B.A.S.S.  Illinois B.A.S.S. Federation Nation

The frenchie

Thanks for the answer. You're right to talk about the HP range, because gas in France is VERY expensive (almost $9 per Gallon...), so I'd prefer to have 50 HP rather than 75, if It's possible.
But there's a difference of shape between these two boats, the tracker seems to be more profiled and to have more height in front than the VT has, am I right? Do you think It would run better on waves than the VT would?
Thank you

Sorry for my english!


Quote from: The frenchie on July 01, 2011, 04:56:42 AM
Thanks for the answer. You're right to talk about the HP range, because gas in France is VERY expensive (almost $9 per Gallon...), so I'd prefer to have 50 HP rather than 75, if It's possible.
But there's a difference of shape between these two boats, the tracker seems to be more profiled and to have more height in front than the VT has, am I right? Do you think It would run better on waves than the VT would?
Thank you

not sure of the size of waters you fish not knowing the speeds you can reach...

that said, with a 50hp I wouldn't think that how it handles waves would be the biggest deal.

Here in the US, it's not uncommon for us to fish in conditions where 20-25 mph (roughly 32-40 kph) winds are not uncommon.  Add in lakes that can be 80 km longer or longer...and the waves can really build.

waves that aren't running over a foot (about 30 cm) shouldn't be an, if you were going lots faster, then yes, it will be.

I'd look for how stable is the boat 'side to side' as you stand on it, storage for what you want to have with you...and 'draft'...that would be personally what I would start with.

You will have your preferences...all of these boats will get a 'bit' of spray from time to time...


I have a Crestliner VT19 and so far I am very happy with it. I bought it over the Tracker because I like the storage better. Tracker has a hull that may be a bit smoother but except for maybe the larger Express's in two foot waves most aluminum bassboat will rattle your insides. they were never built to take on large waves. they have thier advantages, but rough water is'nt one of them.
2017 Crestliner PT18 Mercury 150 hp Pro XS
Minn Kota 80lb Fortrex
10' Talon


   The Frenchie you are somewhat correct that the tracker is a little more profiled from front to back. Everything else is pretty much the same. The triton has a little more freeboard over the tracker. The evolution hull has a pretty good ride compared to the flat bottom of the Triton, but if like me I wanted a 25 horse so I could fish the power plant lakes around us as they are limited to 25 HP motors. Revolution hull's or pad bottoms and 25 horsepower are not the optimum combination. The horsepower is just a little bit shy of being able to make affective use of the hull configuration. A fifty is probably fine but a 25 would be much better suited to a flat bottom. I've had mine out in winds steady at 20 miles an hour with gusts to thirty. It left me a little uncomfortable feeling.
   I have used a Triton 17 foot with a fifty horse four stroke on one of the largest Corps of enginers lakes in Illinois. It's a natural wind tunnel and known for being a sail boat lake because there's always wind on it. The day I used the Triton up there it was windy and rough. The Triton handeled it just fine.
   The biggest advantage of the Triton over the tracker is it's solid at rest and has a wider front deck than the tracker. More room for your feet and not trying to tip toe around the butt seat and not step on your rods plus the storage. The revolution hull will run smoother on the rough water but any aluminum in rough water is not going to be that smooth. The big thing you will be giving up with the tracker is the all important foot room of the front deck. I may be a little more aware of the foot room due to i don't move around as well as i use too after a total hip replacement. This is my second Tracker and i still love my boat it's paid for and it's mine but if I could get into a Triton the same size and not cost me any money I'd be all over it. Hope I've helped ya a little and good luck on finding a boat that fits you. 
A fish a day keeps postal away. See fishing is relaxing.  Member B.A.S.S.  Illinois B.A.S.S. Federation Nation

The frenchie

Ok, I think my choice will stay on the VT 17 with 50HP :)
Now I'm waiting for the store to let me know the prices, depending on engines and accessories.

thank you all

Sorry for my english!


If gas is $9.00 a gallon I would highly recommend you to get a 4 stroke engine, it will pay you back the cost difference in the fuel it will save in a very short time.

The frenchie

I got the price for France: $25,800!!!  ~rant  ~xyz  ^-^  >:(  :shocking:
So 2 options for me: to wait one year, or to buy a smaller boat...
Does somebody know the Triton/Crestliner 16 storm? I see It can be rigged with a 50HP too
Sorry for my english!


25,800 for a VT17? probably cheaper to move to America, lol.
2017 Crestliner PT18 Mercury 150 hp Pro XS
Minn Kota 80lb Fortrex
10' Talon


i could buy it here and drive it over for you!!! lol