Big Bass Lottery sponsored by at HW Marine TNT Cross Lake

Started by t little, March 08, 2012, 09:21:02 AM

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t little

Any Big Bass of Any of the 11 tournaments can earn you $10,000.00  :shocking:

$25 per person per year/$50 per team per year.   One payment of $25 per person will make you eligible for this lottery at all 10 regular season tournaments and at the championship.

We will be given 11 envelopes by a 3rd party company.  These envelopes will be labeled 1 thru 10 (for each tournament) and one will be labled "championship".

Insided each of these envelopes there will be the weight of a bass ranging from 3.00lb up to 10.00lbs. (700 different weights that could be in envelope)

After weigh in at each event, when the Big Bass of the tournament has been decided, we will open the envelope for that tournament.  If the weight of the Big Bass matches the weight in the envelope that person wins $10,000.00.  In the event the person with Big Bass has chosen not to sign up for the Lottery, we will go to the next place Big Bass, and continue this process until we reach someone who has signed up for the Lottery.

It is your responsibility to make sure you weigh your single big bass at each tournament, if you are signed up in the lottery.

In the case of a tie for big bass, the total weight of the teams stringer will be used as a tie breaker.

Once this Lottery is won by one person, it is done for the year.  It will only pay one time per year.

We hope that everyone participates in this Lottery.  The money raised will go 100% to the championship payout and prizes.

We would like to thank APSPAYROLL.COM for sponsoring this Lottery.


Is it exact weight like 3.00 or just three pound fish?

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Siggy by DundeeMike

t little

It will be exact weight to the two decimal places.  ranging from 3.00 thru 10.00.  could be 3.89 could be 8.02.   There are 700 differenct possible weights. 
That gives the person that has Big Bass a 1 in 700 chance of winning $10,000 for a $25 one time fee.  The $25 covers all 10 regular season tournaments and the championship.

Randy Deaver

Mike V


Heck yes Thats kicks  ^-^
thats pretty dang good odds for 25 dollars I wish I was fishing in them tournaments WOW WOW
Man I would jump all over that
21XD Bullet 250 opti
1648 Grizzly 40 Merc
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