Maintaining Reels...?

Started by Fisher of Men, February 13, 2012, 01:05:09 PM

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Fisher of Men

What do you guys use as a reel lubricant???  Ive out a few miles ona couple and they arent sticking or squeking but they could stand it be sprayed... And where at on the reels do you spray the lubricant???

Walk me through your process if you do this or how you clean and maintain them...  Thanks in advance UB

God Bless
Choose today who you will serve, but as for me and my house; WE WILL SERVE THE LORD.
Joshua 24:15


I take my casting reels right apart and clean all the lube out of them even if they are brand new right out of the box. I'll lube them once in the winter and once in the summer. I lube them with quantums hot sauce.


I also use Quantum Hot Sauce for lubing and reel grease for the worm gear. Keeping your reel clean and lubed will make them work properly and last a lot longer. I take mine apart every winter and fully clean and lube. I will lube them several times during the year.