Lateral Perch?

Started by -Shawn-, September 07, 2011, 08:59:39 PM

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Has anyone played with them yet?  :-\


Nope, but that thing is crazy looking lo
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never seen them before, looks interesting...heres a link if anyone is like me and wants to see what it is...hope this is allowed


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I did on Toledo Bend in January & February in brush piles and kinda quit throwing them you know how that goes

I have caught some on Rayburn but never really tore them up though

They glide and dart real good on the fall I have watermelon red and the one with the blue on it

I have no luck on Fork with them but I dont think I give them enough time I just break out the spoon or jig or that thing with the blade
21XD Bullet 250 opti
1648 Grizzly 40 Merc
Wellcraft Eclipse I/O (fun)  Fisher 1536 25 Johnson Tiller


I am wondering how they go through Grass?  :-\

Unchained, did you use the Flipping or the Casting version?


I tried it a little at Grand Bayou for the shootout. But it blew out the Thought it looked good.


have tried them a bit here with no luck so far, maybe when the water gets more stained


Seen those in a tackle shop.  Figured id wait till I heard some reports.  The Big Bite Warmouth look like they could be used like this also.  Anyone have any info on them? If so start a new thread so we don't hijack the thread.  Love to get some info on them.  Jim
Jim ><///'>><///'>

muddy man

While sitting on a huge school of yellow perch I was unhooking one and threw it to my partner in the back, he caught it and spiked it, LATERAL PERCHING AT IT"S BEST! lo


Quote from: -Shawn- on September 08, 2011, 08:22:14 AM
I am wondering how they go through Grass?  :-\

Unchained, did you use the Flipping or the Casting version?
I have one of each I havent tried them in any really thick grass yet I need to put them back in the boat and give them another chance

You know how that goes its new you buy it try it not long enough and it gets put on the back burner
I think everybody does that with the bait bug in them
21XD Bullet 250 opti
1648 Grizzly 40 Merc
Wellcraft Eclipse I/O (fun)  Fisher 1536 25 Johnson Tiller


Quote from: -Shawn- on September 08, 2011, 08:22:14 AM
I am wondering how they go through Grass?  :-\

Unchained, did you use the Flipping or the Casting version?

there was a pretty good article a couple months back in FLW (I think) or BASSMASTER mag...


I think the Talop color might just be a killer on Falcon!!

The amistead perch will be good on OH Ivie too.


I've been throwing them around for a while. Not a single bite on one yet. I bought them for dock skipping, but quickly gave up on them. They might be good on a big fish lake, but for the average location, I think there are better options.


The guys that I have talked to that have used them all say you can really control the action by the amount of tension you put on the line during the fall. ???


Never seen that one before!
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