Compromise reached with Canada on their reporting law

Started by Baron49, July 09, 2011, 11:07:27 AM

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Sen. Chuck Schumer from NY announced at a meeting in Clayton, NY that a compromise has been reached with Canadian customs on their laws about the need to report to a "port of entry" before being able to fish their waters.  The CBSA will now accept a call from a fisherman's cell phone once he/she has entered Canadian waters without the need to seek out the land line phones that Canadian officials have been saying had to be used.  The number is 888-226-7277.  If accepted by the CBSA the fisherman will be able to fish Canadian waters without doing anything further.

Local fisherman and guides feel good about this compromise and hopefully things will return to normal.  It was also noted that Canada is now saying that ALL Canadian waters are now going to require this new rule about calling in once entering Canadian waters and there will be no exceptions. 

Sen. Schumer is also still working on the regulations for the large bass tournaments for the area to see if there is any way to pre-register participants.  As of right now Canadian officials from the CBSA are saying they will not change the rules for these tournaments.  FLW and BASS are keeping Canadian waters off-limits until an additional agreement can be meet.  As a side note the U.S. does not require someone from Canda to do anything when fishing U.S. waters as long as they do not dock or anchor. 