I need a 3 bank charger...Which one do you recommend? WHY?

Started by bassadict69, August 08, 2010, 02:00:23 PM

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Sorry for the earlier post just had a bad day. they are good chargers. I would just really check those units out really well. Alot of times when things go on sale they are missing stuff or or they are returns for some reason. Good luck
Jim Payne


I figured for the same reason anything else goes on sale...not sure though! You tell me...


Are you leaving your two 12's hooked together? If you are you would only need a two bank charger to charge them both.
Jim Payne


Yes they are staying together...how would I hook up one of the banks? Pos & Neg to one battery, or pos to one & neg to the other (referring to the two that are hooked up parallel)

I tried hooking up my regular car type charger to one of the batteries hoping to charge both, but when it said complete, I switched it over to the 2nd battery & it charged for over 2 hours before showing full  :-\

Ron Fogelson

James not sure how you have everything set up but when I did this years ago I had the red run to the red and the black to the black on both batteries, than ran the red to one battery from the TM and the black to the other battery.  While running the TM it would drawn from both rather than draw from one and than have the other try and chrage the 1st & while charging it did both the same way.

If you get a 3 bank, you will need to unhook the 2 so it is charging three 12 volt systems I believe.  If not you should be good to go with a 2 bank.

Steve help me out if I blew this????


I had several BPS chargers go bad.  They exchanged them with no problem, but they would continue to go out.  I eventually exchanged it for a Pro Mariner 3 bank, which also eventually failed.  Thankfully, they honored their warrantee without question and shipped a new one the same day I put the old one in the mail.  I really wish I had a 4 bank, because I have a 36vt trolling motor, so my cranking battery is not covered.  Here is a tid bit for you:  make sure all of your batteries are the same size.  I somehow ended up with a 31 with two 27's, which was probably why my chargers kept blowing up. 


The different size batteries will not make the charger go out. It will affect your run and charge times though.

I too had issue with a BPS charger many moons ago. It would never go into the third cycle of charging, basically the "top off" mode. Back then tthe BPS chargers were made by Pro Mariner. Not sure about now.

You could use a 2-bank charger like folks have said. In this case you would really need to make sure the 2 that are hooked in parallel are the same size and age. This will allow the the charger to truely see them as "one". The charger will sense the oldest, or smallest, and adjust the charge rate to it. So you will never be to the full potential of the "best" battery. This could explain your scenario.


Or you can get the three bank and put two of the banks on the same battery(the two that are hooked together and get twice the amps and that should work for you. Now before anyone says you can't do that I will tell you I have guys that have been doing this for over ten years and don't have problems.
Jim Payne


 tried hooking up my regular car type charger to one of the batteries hoping to charge both, but when it said complete, I switched it over to the 2nd battery & it charged for over 2 hours before showing full 
You can try the garage charger and hook pos to one and neg to the other and see what it does. It is really up to the charger. There are so many out there and they all work different. Good luck
Jim Payne


Quote from: BassBUFF on September 21, 2010, 04:46:51 PM
The different size batteries will not make the charger go out. It will affect your run and charge times though.

I too had issue with a BPS charger many moons ago. It would never go into the third cycle of charging, basically the "top off" mode. Back then tthe BPS chargers were made by Pro Mariner. Not sure about now.

You could use a 2-bank charger like folks have said. In this case you would really need to make sure the 2 that are hooked in parallel are the same size and age. This will allow the the charger to truely see them as "one". The charger will sense the oldest, or smallest, and adjust the charge rate to it. So you will never be to the full potential of the "best" battery. This could explain your scenario.

Both the deep cycle batteries which are hooked up parallel are the same battery & were bought at the same time.

Am I running into problems by hooking up a bank to each of the batteries?


Quote from: bassadict69 on September 21, 2010, 07:23:20 PM
Both the deep cycle batteries which are hooked up parallel are the same battery & were bought at the same time.

Am I running into problems by hooking up a bank to each of the batteries?

Nope, not as long as they're in parallel. ;)


I may have found a deal on a new Guest 2 bank charger...

I want to verify this first, that I can use a 2 bank charger, hook one bank to my cranking battery & for the other bank, hook the pos to one of the parallel batteries & hook the neg side to the other parallel battery? Is that correct?


Jim Payne


I found a brand new Guest 10 amp 2 bank for $70...I think I am going to jump on it!  ~c~



I ended up passing on the 2 bank charger I had found...I contacted Guest & told them what I was needing to do with it & they did not suggest doing it that way, so I once again am in the hunt for a 3 bank charger.

If anyone is interested in a brand new 2 bank Guest (2610A) check the Shreveport Craigslist from a couple of days ago...


I just bought the Dual Pro 3 bank charger for my Nitro 750 which is only set up for a 12v system.  I added another battery for the trolling motor and hooked them up to make a 24v system.  I was told that you can leave them hooked together and use a 3 bank charger by connecting one bank to the cranking battery and then connect the other 2 banks to each of the trolling batteries just as you would if they were not connected together..


Looking around online for a onboard charger myself right now, rather than start a new thread I figure I'd mention Wal Mart online has the MK 315D for $140 and just under $1 for shipping.  $40 less than BPS catalog price
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My DualPro 3-bank was installed in my boat when new......12 years ago.  It has remained plugged in 24/7/365 (except when fishing of course) all those years and is still going strong.  If I had to replace it tomorrow, it would be another DualPro without a doubt.
The older I get the better I was.........