Burr Oak Lake Report...

Started by JignPig Guide, November 09, 2010, 05:54:45 PM

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JignPig Guide

I hit Burr Oak yesterday and didn't do so well. 

- Water temps were 54-degrees.
- No takers on the JignPig.
- No takers on the trap.
- No takers bangin' cranks on the laydown/cover.
- Only two small ones on the drop-shot.

Sorry folks.  Not much to brag about.  This has been a slow fall season for me.  And I've lost several giants in the past few weeks.  But if I don't get 'em to the boat, they don't count!!!
Go Big or Stay Home!


Hi Jeff... I emailed you over the summer at your site and was the one who asked to meet you at dock area 4 sometime; maybe we will meet there next year. My brother and I fished Burr Oak Oct. 30 and I caught two bass within 5 minutes near dock area 4 just after dawn-after that ZERO! That lake will drive you NUTS! I know there are many fine bass there, but sometimes I wonder if they are so spoiled on the fine shad population that they are like Morris the cat. i.e., super finicky. One of the bass I caught that morning was just under three pounds, caught on a gunsmoke/metal flake senko worm (6 in.) and the other bass (1 1/2 lb) on a Rapala Rat-L Trap. Every person who fishes that lake always tells me "Burr Oak is either on or off". Well it is off 90% of the time in my opinion. It is a lake that you love and hate at the same time. I am beginning to think the best time to fish it is at night in the spring and summer. What do you think? I am going to email you the photos of the larger bass here in a few minutes.
I hope you have a great Holiday season Jeff!

JignPig Guide

Hey Chris,

I've had some DOW folks tell me that some giant bass are caught at nightime on this lake during the hot summer months.  I just haven't tried it yet.
I had a pretty tough year on that lake this season.  I only caught one over 5-pounder this season down there.  And that's pretty tough to admit when you spend quit-a-bit of time swingin' for the fences like I do.
We'll get together sometime early next season and hit it if you want.  In the early season/ice-out of 2008, I think I hooked and lost the biggest bass of my life at Burr Oak.  The water was in the low 40s, and this bass really shouldn't have been as shallow as she was.  But what the heck...  She was in about a foot of water and slammed my spinnerbait.  I wish I wouldn't have seen her.  It still haunts me how big she was right next to the boat when she turned and spit the hook.
Go Big or Stay Home!


You said DOW folks- did you mean ODNR? I believe it Jeff, about the lunar lunker activity at Burr Oak.

I just shook my head as I read your account of losing that hawg of a lifetime; it figures you would lose it down there. At least you had a taste of a lifetime bass, and maybe next time, our good Lord willing, you will land it. Part of the reason I like being on a lake such as Burr Oak is that I feel closer to the Lord- attempting to catch what He has created and being surrounded by His beauty and strength. It is an awesome thing...

Jeff, if you are interested in doing some excellent pond fishing, I have yearly passes to fish at Dickinson's cattle ranch in Barnesville Ohio, and I have caught several bass around 5 lbs there in the past two years, and a good friend of mine, the pastor who performed the marriage ceremony for my wife and I caught a 6 pounder this year on a big Culprit worm. The owner of the ranch has a grandson who caught a 7 pounder last year. There are 3 good ponds there, and a few others that are just ok. I start fishing in Aril and fish through Oct. There are times when you can't keep them off a buzz bait, and other times they will only hit Senko's, you just never know. Anyway, you are definitely invited to go next year, you could just meet me at the Buckeye Lake exit or any other exit along the way.

Thanks for telling all about that monster you missed in '08- it gives me motivation not to give up on Burr Oak!

JignPig Guide

Oh yea!  I don't fish private lakes/ponds like I did when my 4-sons where younger.  But I wouldn't mind yankin' a few hogs.  Count me in... 

We'll hit a few lakes next season if you want.
Go Big or Stay Home!


Sounds like a plan Jeff...I hear you when you wrote about not being too excited about the tournament circuit- I concur that trying to catch a bunch of small bass to build your total weight up is not real exciting for me. I like the competition aspect of tournaments, but I don't get involved.

That being said, how about that 10 lb beast that was checked in at the tournament at Burr Oak back in May? I talked with the guy who owns the boat rental place, and he said that the bass was for real. I often check out the chalk board there at dock area 4; the tournament people use it to tally results, and last year I saw several bass over 4 lb on the check-in board. I was fishing across from the main campground back in Sept., on a Tuesday, which is a regular day for some club. Anyway, just after 5 P.M., when the tournament started, two small boats with tiller 9.9 outboards zoomed past me and around the bend, and I assume they were heading to the lily pad fields. I never had much luck there, but I am sure it would be good in early spring, warming up quickly and plenty of cover.

Hope to see you at the lake in March or April...