Down imaging vs. Side imaging

Started by osprey39, November 27, 2010, 10:43:44 AM

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Which is more important/useful, down imaging or side imaging and why do you feel that way?  In other words, if you only had enough money to buy a unit with one or the other but not both, which would you opt for?


They kind of come as a package deal.  :-\   


Quote from: -Shawn- on November 27, 2010, 10:47:23 AM
They kind of come as a package deal.  :-\

Not really.  Lowrance has new downscan only models and I read in a thread further down the board that Humminbird is also coming out with downscan only models.  Sidescan only models are already on the market. 

I'm in the market for a new sonar unit and I'm trying to decide what I should spend my money on.  Sidescan looks more useful to me but I have no hands on experience with them so I'm trying to see what those who do would recommend or feel is most useful.



I think the answer depends on how you use them...if I had to personally choose, I'd take side imaging over down scan because of the vast amounts (more) of water I could 'see' and how it helps me understand the lay of the bottom contour, structure and the orientation of cover...   having used it now for a year...I feel LOST without it...and feel really limited/blind in terms of off-shore angling...

Now, if you're a 'spooner' and fishing vertically in 40foot or deeper...then downscan might be an advantage ... but I'd be personally just a comfortable with the traditional imagery...

Where downscan distances itself, IMO, is when you are out 'surveying' and running 'patterns' criss-crossing an area, looking for key circumstances...then downscan can really clarify the cover and not have you guessing about the 'blobs of color'...

I run side/down imaging on my transom unit...conventional HD on the bow...again, this is MY personal preference and what I feel gives me my best info in terms of how 'I PROCESS it'... 


Quote from: osprey39 on November 27, 2010, 10:43:44 AM
Which is more important/useful, down imaging or side imaging and why do you feel that way?  In other words, if you only had enough money to buy a unit with one or the other but not both, which would you opt for?

While Down Imaging has some uses...nothing beats Side Imaging! With Side Imaging You can cover more water in a single pass and you can tell 100% which side of the transducer the data is from. It's the most powerful tool ever created for recreational angling.

Here's an Example. Which Side of the Transducer are these trees on????

With Down Imaging it looks like they are in a row but when viewed in Side Imaging below they are...

Not. You have 4 on the Right side then the last one you just passed in on the left side. How can you positively target the exact location if you can't tell where the data is exactly. That;s the benefit of Side Imaging is you can use Humminbird Patented Feature to move the cursor anywhere on the screen and hit MARK and a waypoint is created on the location of the structure not boat position. The exact same data is displayed in Side Imaging as in Down Imaging just depends on the view. To me its so much easier to tell which side and how far away the data is in Side Imaging versus Down Imaging.

But for those with limited budgets and moving from 2D Down Imaging is a very nice upgrade. But you asked for which is better and Side Imaging is the Ultimate structure and most importantly fish finding tool on the market today.

See in this image that shows a benefit of finding this sunken Pipe that could not be seen in Down Imaging because the boat did not pass directly over it.

Here is one instance that Down Imaging has a benefit because it's very narrow beam width front to rear can show precise depth changes like in these very narrow ditches that 2D sonar could not because of 2D's Large Cone area of Coverage. You can still see them in Side Imaging but Down Imaging makes it easier to see the change. But again you lost the ability to see all the other little ditches that Side Imaging Shows

But with any Humminbird Side Imaging unit to the first one built all the way back in 2004 you can get a FREE upgrade to have Down Imaging. Just download the software and install and you have Down Imaging on your Humminbird. No need to purchase anything and all current Side Imaging units already have Down Imaging installed at the factory.


Quote from: DougV on November 29, 2010, 02:53:39 PM
...nothing beats Side Imaging...It's the most powerful tool ever created for recreational angling.

very much the truth...


Quote from: DougV on November 29, 2010, 02:53:39 PM
While Down Imaging has some uses...nothing beats Side Imaging!

With Humminbird's current 'DI', or superimposed left over right version of DI, I tend to agree with you.

But wait until you get to use Humminbird's new True DownImagers coming 2011, I think you might change your mind Doug.

P.S - We don't all only fish 1 - 8ft water 90% of the time.


   I think I'd tend to agree with dug as he has put up more answears in a no nonsense fashion since comming here. I know he see's the latest they have to offer and will probably be well schooled on it before any of us get the chance to see it. I see his stuff on a lot of boards that I frequent and none of it has been presented in a tit for tat fashion about the other company's products. It's just the facts and how it's used to serve us best.
   I've had the pleasure of being schooled in a seminar setting the first time and that was what made me a believer that Humming bird had broken the old mold and was definatley at the leading edge of new technoligy available to us today. And not going away or giving up that position anytime soon. JMHO I know I was wrong about a few things that I had implanted in me by feel alone, He's helped open my underwater eye's even further.and most of my stuff is brand x.
A fish a day keeps postal away. See fishing is relaxing.  Member B.A.S.S.  Illinois B.A.S.S. Federation Nation


Quote from: Fishton on November 29, 2010, 11:06:37 PM
With Humminbird's current 'DI', or superimposed left over right version of DI, I tend to agree with you.

But wait until you get to use Humminbird's new True DownImagers coming 2011, I think you might change your mind Doug.

P.S - We don't all only fish 1 - 8ft water 90% of the time.

so, just cause I love poking fun at folks...with HB offering 'true' downimaging in the coming the concensus that it'll be any better than what Lowrance has had for the past 2-3 years?  Does this mean that Lowrance will get to take HB to court?

I've still not had first-hand experience wth HB side imaging..but based on the images shared via 'net'...there seems not to be a 'nickles-worth' of difference...

And I'd agree:  folks who fish deep water/vertically might see downimaging a bit different than 'us' shallow water folks...


Quote from: bass1cpr on November 30, 2010, 12:02:41 AM
   ...    and most of my stuff is brand x.

I have the Humminbird 1197cxSI right next to an HDS10, so it's simply a push of a button to do a true comparison between the two units.  My conclusion - they BOTH have great features.

As for the BEST Fishfinder chart plotter available today ...... the Raygarunolowbird.  :-*


I do love Power Fishing Shallow but have caught Bass as deep as 87 Foot  ~gf so I do know how and have used Side Imaging and Down Imaging in very deep waters to locate and catch fish. Is it my preferred method to fish??? Nope but I do know how be successful doing it.

Drop Shootin with a 798c Image...

Here's example of how sideimaging fish deep water is beneficial. You can drive a distance away from bridge pilings and find which pilings have fish on them then come back and get vertical on them and catch them one by one.

Down Imaging is a neat feature but the question was asked which is better. Anytime you can narrow down the exact spot the fish are located the better and Side Imaging allows you to tell 100% without any doubt which side the fish are on.

But if you want Dang Good Down Imaging the current Humminbird Offering does a dang good job and you get Side Imaging too...the most powerful tool.

Good Enough to see fish eating bait in them...


Quote from: DougV on November 30, 2010, 09:17:15 AMDown Imaging is a neat feature but the question was asked which is better. Anytime you can narrow down the exact spot the fish are located the better and Side Imaging allows you to tell 100% without any doubt which side the fish are on.

But if you want Dang Good Down Imaging the current Humminbird Offering does a dang good job and you get Side Imaging too...the most powerful tool.

keep in mind there is a learning curve with all technology...although the side imaging/down imaging is as close to 'what you see is what you get' as I can imagine...without increases in screen resolution technology...(would love that, to see 1080i type clarity in the small screen so that when you zoom the image doesn't pixel out so quickly...)

dug is absolutely on target:  the ability to quickly scan a wide swath of water off to the sides of your boat is the primary 'power' of the technology...being able to see a log, a rock, a school of fish off to the side 20, 40...80 feet away is an incredibly powerful alerts you to things 'over there' that you never would have known about...and allows you to go closer and look harder at specific spots...

then you still use your GPS and down imaging, whether 'traditional' or the new High Def/Resolution really pick it apart...

If I had to choose 'one' it'd be side imaging...but the two approaches, used together create an incredibly powerful tool for the angler to quickly, rapidly and accurately locate spots on spots...and for someone like me, who was 'challenged' in terms of how to visualize what I was fishing/feeling via c-rig/jig, this stuff is ABSOLUTELY like a blind person getting their sight back...

it's that good...and frankly, worth every penny I've ever spent on it...

Triton Mike

I agree with Doug 100%.  SI is where it's at.  I am as hard core of a deep spoon head as they come and I live in 20ft plus water.  So much that my unit has never had it put in Split Fire Clear mode LOL.  If I was asked to give up SI, DI or Sonar I wouldn't think twice and choose DI.   DI but it's darn near useless in shallow water while SI shines in both shallow and deep water applications.  DI is nice but for finding and locating fish SI hands down is where it's at.



What I was refering to before is don't you have to purchase the side imagind transducer to get the Downscan on lowrance?  :-\  or does the downscan work off the regular transducer?  :-\


Quote from: -Shawn- on December 01, 2010, 06:12:45 AM
What I was refering to before is don't you have to purchase the side imagind transducer to get the Downscan on lowrance?  :-\  or does the downscan work off the regular transducer?  :-\

the Navico/Lowrance transducer has the side-imaging AND down imaging (true) in one transducer.  You 'get one' you get them all.

Sort of the same for HB product:  currently, you get true side imaging and through the magic of software they create a 'virtual' downscan image...although, as has been noted, it appears that HB is looking to add true downscan ability to their transducer...(I can't imagine they'd do it as an 'add on'...unless it's for all those who currently purchased the product needing to upgrade)...

Again, I use the Lowrance product...and have yet to actually see/use the HB product...from what I know first hand, I absolutely love my product...but cannot imagine I wouldn't feel the same had I pulled the trigger on an HB unit...


That was what I was thinking, You get both in the same package.

I have been a lowrance guy for years, so i think I will stick with who got me to the dance.  ;)


   Fishton I finally figured out your acronym.  lo  Now I get it.  lo I guess it's that learning curve thing.
A fish a day keeps postal away. See fishing is relaxing.  Member B.A.S.S.  Illinois B.A.S.S. Federation Nation


Quote from: bass1cpr on December 01, 2010, 07:31:00 PM
   Fishton I finally figured out your acronym.  lo  Now I get it.  lo I guess it's that learning curve thing.
