Is this a good deal??

Started by 1shakyhead, June 15, 2010, 05:43:55 PM

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My local wal-mart has a brand new minn-kota 30# thrust for $109.97. is that a good price, thats perfect for what i need, should i get it or go somewhere else? :-\


Must be the Endura, and I'm pretty sure that is the average price. What size boat are you pushing with it? For a lil more money you can get a good bt more power if you're looking at the Enduras.
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Thanks for replying man, it is the endura i believe. im gonna put it on a 8ft pelican 2 man fiberglass boat, what do u think? thanks again man.


You should be good then, Enjoy!
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rjn cajun

That`s the average price and you`ll be fine with that motor pushing the boat your using. I gotta 10ft livingston for the small lakes up here and I use a 40 thrust minnkota. It pushes mine great.
The harbor looks much better after you have made it through a rough storm.


I have the same motor on a 10 ft pelican and it works great.
Thanks and Good Fishing

Creel Limit Zero

As long as you are just using the TM to fish, and not using it as your only power source to get from location to location.  If that's the case, you should be fine.  But if you can afford to upgrade you'll be happy you do.  That TM will do fine until you get that one day with a lot of wind, then you'll be mad you didn't upgrade...