Travel case tip

Started by bigdaddy1963, June 11, 2010, 10:09:22 AM

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I travel alot for my job and pass by several "Fishy"spots, I always carried my rod in the back seat, one day forgot it was there and put a heavy box in the back seat and broke the tip. I discovered an inexspensive way to protect my rod.. PVC pipe. I used a piece of 1" and a half diameter cut about an inch longer than my rod (in 2 of coarse) smoothed the edges of the cut and bought 2 end caps. Total cost.. 8 bucks compared to a metal one at the local fishing supply store at 30.. dosnt dent and takes alot of abuse.. Of coarse you cant fit your reel in there to I put my reel in the glove box or in the middle console.


That's a good tip  ~c~ ~c~ I carry mine in the back of my van all the time.

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet