LA Poormans Cross Lake, June 12th/RESULTS

Started by FishinSteelersFan, June 01, 2010, 05:33:51 PM

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Our next event will be on Cross Lake, June 12th.  Take-off/weigh-in will be at the Public Ramp, near Ford Park.  Take-off is scheduled for 5:45am and weigh-in will be at 2:00pm.  Entry fee is $60, which includes $10/team BB pot.  100% of the entry fees will be paid out. There is also an optional 7 Pound Pot at $10/boat, which rolls from tourney to tourney, and is paid out to BB winner that is over the 7 pound mark.  Membership fee is $25/person, which is all paid out to Classic qualifiers at the end of the year.  For more info, check out our website at

Bonus:  For those of you that checked out our thread, check out what showed up at the Teague Boat Ramp today.  He wouldn't leave after numerous warning shots, and with jet skiers in the immediate area...he had to be put down.  Measured right at 12 feet and sure wasn't scared of humans at all....

Legend boats, Mercury ProXS, Kistler rods  Check us out, 100% payout EVERY TIME!


Lots of good eating there......

I could do with a few less of the water

Bass Cat Boats Moderator / Dobyns Rods Pro Staff
2020 Bass Cat Eyra 2020 Mercury 300R 4S

Kuntry Jr.

Hydrowave  Amphibia Sunglasses  Bass Mafia Tackle  Optimum Baits   Reins  Deps


Here's a photo where you can see his teeth:

Legend boats, Mercury ProXS, Kistler rods  Check us out, 100% payout EVERY TIME!


Should have let him be.......  who likes jet skiers anyway :shocking:
JB          My P.B.  10.06


Heck man the thing needed to eat, and what better than a couple of rocket jockys ;D

Kuntry Jr.

Or a couple of ski dooers! Isn't the flotilla that day? :-\
Hydrowave  Amphibia Sunglasses  Bass Mafia Tackle  Optimum Baits   Reins  Deps


Quote from: Kuntry Jr. on June 04, 2010, 01:51:22 PM
Or a couple of ski dooers! Isn't the flotilla that day? :-\

Yep, but I don't see many of the Floatilla folks getting up and launching at 5-5:30am. lo

It may be an issue at our 2:00pm weigh-in, but I think that if we get the front parking spaces in the morning then we should have plenty of room to weigh our fish.  Some of us may want to try and park around the shade trees, it may be a little more comfortable for weigh-in.  :-*
Legend boats, Mercury ProXS, Kistler rods  Check us out, 100% payout EVERY TIME!

Kuntry Jr.

we need to make a circle aroun the tree so know one else parks under it and we can weigh in under it! :-*
Hydrowave  Amphibia Sunglasses  Bass Mafia Tackle  Optimum Baits   Reins  Deps


Probably be a pretty good idea, we'll see what we can do Saturday morning.  I'm hoping we get some of the TNT "sticks" in on this one, would be good to see how well they do on Cross with the morning/mid-day bite!
Legend boats, Mercury ProXS, Kistler rods  Check us out, 100% payout EVERY TIME!


It's still on...come on you TNT sticks, let's see what you can do on Cross for a full 8 hours of fishing!  ~bb
Legend boats, Mercury ProXS, Kistler rods  Check us out, 100% payout EVERY TIME!

Mike Pharr

Man I am kinda disappointed in the  PoPo BPS for killing that Gator. :-\ It's funny we forget we are visitors in their environment. There are other options such as relocation. I saw one about the same size in the BoBo area last week. Think maybe I should give them the coordinates in case a jet skier decides to go exploring?


That gator in the bobo hole is BIG


would but cant rmtt saturday on toledo. nice pics of gator. Thats what they do every else in the world. If it is not scared of humans somebodies gonna get hurt. good luck on cross.
If you cast it. They will come.


Quote from: Mike Pharr on June 09, 2010, 09:33:29 PM
Man I am kinda disappointed in the  PoPo BPS for killing that Gator. :-\ It's funny we forget we are visitors in their environment. There are other options such as relocation. I saw one about the same size in the BoBo area last week. Think maybe I should give them the coordinates in case a jet skier decides to go exploring?

I wish relocation would have been an option, it was a magnificent animal and nobody wanted what had to be done.  We tried to scare it off by throwing rocks and warning shot, but it kept surfacing right next to the dock and wouldn't leave.  It was the correct thing to do, because it would have hurt someone...maybe even a kid.  The strange thing to me is that it appeared out of nowhere and with all of the boat traffic on Memorial Day, you would have thought that someone would have seen it and reported it...but nobody did until a party barge came along Tuesday afternoon and said that it was there when they launched and returned.  This gator had obviously been fed by humans because it was NOT afraid, like 99% of them that you see in remote backwaters. 
Legend boats, Mercury ProXS, Kistler rods  Check us out, 100% payout EVERY TIME!


I'll be at the ramp around 5:00am for registration.  Take-off is scheduled for 5:45am, please have your livewells checked prior to launching.  All money placing teams should be prepared to take a polygraph test following weigh-in.  Teams refusing to test will not be awarded prize money and disqualified from fishing future events. 
Legend boats, Mercury ProXS, Kistler rods  Check us out, 100% payout EVERY TIME!


Quote from: FishinSteelersFan on June 11, 2010, 02:15:50 PM
All money placing teams should be prepared to take a polygraph test following weigh-in.  Teams refusing to test will not be awarded prize money and disqualified from fishing future events.
They should also be prepared for a swift kick in the jewels!

Kuntry Jr.

Hydrowave  Amphibia Sunglasses  Bass Mafia Tackle  Optimum Baits   Reins  Deps


We had a total of 14 teams fish Cross Lake, here are the results:

1. Kevin Hill/Chris Hill....5 fish for 13.31 pounds ($350)
2. Wesley Beshea/Josh Moore...5 fish for 7.82 lbs. ($210)
3. Shane Martz/Val Welborn...4 fish for 6.80 lbs. ($140) and BB 3.80 lbs ($140)
4. Kevin Hagedorn/Dirk Garmany...4.84
5. Greg Kimbrough/Scott Davis...3.65
6. Wayne Horne/Robbie Horne...3.41
7. Jeff Hooker/Mark Burdue...3.39
8. Johnny Costello/Chad Young...2.60
9. John Harkins/Ray Parish...2.16
10. Jim Hoffmeyer
10. Stuart Toney/Jason Pickett
10. Ryan Wagner/Kevin Lettau
10. Gary Rhodes/Mark Rhodes
10. Scottie Franklin

It appeared to be a really tough day on Cross, and the Floatilla mess at the ramp was terrible...thanks to our guys for saving me a parking spot close to the ramp.

Our next event will be a night tournament on Cypress/Black Bayou, July 10th. Registration and weigh-in will be at the Cypress Dam Public Launch. Teams will be required to declare which body of water that they are fishing, prior to the tournament, since one is a slot lake and the other is not. Teams will NOT be allowed to fish both bodies of water. The hours for this night tournament will be 6:00pm until 2:00am. If anyone has any questions feel free to post it here on the forum or email me at
Legend boats, Mercury ProXS, Kistler rods  Check us out, 100% payout EVERY TIME!


Top water bites in the dark are sooooo freaking awesome,   HEART THUMPING TO SAY THE LEAST   I just wanted to say that.   I will try to talk my partner into it.
If you cast it. They will come.