Bring in the Rain!

Started by Buzzman, March 10, 2010, 07:01:12 AM

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And out with the ice! How many are going to be driving around the next few days at lunch time to see if the ice has left us???


So, checked out a couple of lakes...

1) O'Shay is completely OPEN. Saw someone launch their boat at the ramp today.
2) Buckeye is open at Lieb's Island to about the to path. North Shore ramp, there is 20 to 30 yards open from the shore, still ice on the main lake, but you could almost see it receding. Guessing it will be open this weekend.


Alum Creek is open at Howard Road, can launch a boat and make it south of 36 / 37. Cheshire is still locked in.


I can't wait to get on the water! Shawnee is 80% ice-free, but is still too low to launch. But i bet that doesn't last another week with all the rain.
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