Gas tank capacity question...

Started by Joe Essex Bass DeVoe, February 07, 2010, 11:02:32 AM

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Joe Essex Bass DeVoe

HI ALL, I HAVE A 2003 RANGER 185DVS. Im trying to find out my gas tank size/ how many gallons it will hold. Not sure if its written on the boat somewhere or if theres a website l could look it up at? thanks

210 superpro

Look on the gas tank itself it should have a plate stating capacity. Good luck.


Give Ranger a call @ 870-453-2222. They should be able to answer any questions you may or may not have...Steve
\My Mind is a Library Full of Worthless Information\

Joe Essex Bass DeVoe


Did you get it figgured out Joe??? Steve
\My Mind is a Library Full of Worthless Information\

Sc Bassin

I had an 02 185vs & I think it was 26 gal.

Joe Essex Bass DeVoe

Hey steve, no l didnt find out the capcity yet, but when l do l will post on here. 26 gallons sound just about right, but lm gonna call ranger on monday, l will post results.


2004 and later was 40 gal. not sure about '03

Joe Essex Bass DeVoe

Called and talked to ranger and they informed me that l should have a 40 gallon gas tank...


Thanks for the update Joe, I was thinking that but wasn't sure...My 07 z19 has 2 24gal. tanks and I think thats their standard now...Steve
\My Mind is a Library Full of Worthless Information\


I have a 2003 185VS and it is one single tank at 40 gallons.  The one single tank helped me decide on changing from an older Ranger with 2 separate tanks.