What are you willing to walk through?

Started by silversalmon, August 22, 2005, 01:36:06 PM

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Creel Limit Zero

Quote from: Fishaholic on September 14, 2005, 08:46:58 AM
you mean you provide the transportation, but really, she's taking you...and for the privilege of you're being able to fish with her you have to take her fish off the line and release them for herĀ  lo

I was talking about my dog here.   ;)


United States Air Force 1994-present


Creel we wouldn't call your Girl a dog  :o ;)

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


My dog LOVES to fish...either from the boat or shore. she watches the lure with great anticipation as I bring it in. Barks like crazy when I catch something.

Where are we going...and why are we in this hand basket???


left_turn they are fun to take fishing but we have to watch the hooks when out in the boat so the little yorkie won't get them  :'( :'(

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Where are we going...and why are we in this hand basket???


I still remember the day I watched a guy fishing with his dog, and as I passed I remember saying something to him about the flies and he jokingly said..."they're not bothering me, my dog is biting 'em"...I laughed and went on my way...

On the walk back to the car there's a small crowd gathered where the fly biting dog was, and the owner of the dog had tears in his voice, and skeptical excitement...I went over to check it out and apparently, a fly zoomed past his open tacklebox and as the dog lunged to bite yet another fly, it managed to bite down into a floating rapala and all 3 sets of treble hooks caught the poor beast!

So, if you take your dog fishing, be aware of some of the dangers involved...

Creel Limit Zero

Right about that Fish.  I do have a real  lo in the bloopers thread from when I hooked my dog.   ::)


Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet



Long before I had a boat, I used to fish out of the way farm ponds and strip ponds.  I used to fish one piece of public water a little differently than most others.

Friendship Lake in Smithfield, Ohio is a county-owned property where a 200 acre lake and the county fairgrounds are.  Since it's public land, you don't need a license.  The north side of the lake is easily accessible by the road running back to the fairgrounds, but the south side is a jungle.  Shoulder-high weeds and briars, no walking paths, bugs, a variety of animals including wild dogs, and on the side of a small mountain. 

I used to drag 4 rods and a tackle bag back in there and people thought I was nuts.  I never once got bitten by a tick, because I use a product from Avon called Bug Guard that also acts as a repellent and sunscreen.  I caught some major hogs on that side of the lake, mainly because few people put a boat on the water (electric only), and very few if anyone ventures over there on foot.  And the water is 95% clear as gin.   You can see fish down to 25 or 30 foot most of the time.

The Army COE did put in a walking path around the lake in recent years, but it is on top of the hill.  You still must march down the hill to get to the lake.

Scott K.

I've waded through snake infested creeks.



 :roll2: sure, but were they just snakes, or poisonous snakes...most snakes don't bother me...I've tripped while wading and fallen into writhing masses of em.


In my mind the only good snake is...wait, in  my mind there are no good snakes!!!

Where are we going...and why are we in this hand basket???


Actually, there's a lot of good snakes...some of em keep down the rodent population, some of em turn so so ponds into great ponds cuz they eat the small gills that have a tendency to overrun ponds, some of em even eat other snakes!

The only one that really bothers me is the Copperhead, because it's a pit viper - attacks without any reason, simply an aggressive and fairly poisonous snake.


You right Fish some snakes are good they eat alot of them rodents. Good fo rthe eco system.

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


We have no snakes up here, I guess that explains the shroo population :'( I have never tried walkin through snakes to fish before, never had the opportunity, but I would imagine I would at least try if there was good fishin on the other side :-*

United States Air Force 1994-present