Delaware Bass Federation Updates April 8 2009 ( TBF - FLW )

Started by Phantom, April 13, 2009, 07:00:20 PM

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Called to Order @ 7:08 p.m.
Minutes from last meeting was read and approved

Treasurers Report --   read and approved
Youth Report  -----   Still need help down @ Trap Pond on May 8 for the 3-2-1- Program  call Fabian if you would like to help
Public Relations ---- New Ramp Fees in Md, check Fed web site for more info. Vonnie's will be closing so need to get pass for turners Creek someplace else
Old Business -----    Fed decals 5" will be on order and will be 4.00 ea. our club will be getting 10
                            Eastershore club will be holding a fishing Derby may 9 and I asked Ralph to get us 100 scratch off tickets to give out
New Business ----   New TBF STORE 
The new TBF on line store. Under construction and still fluid to define exactly who is playing in it but several are very interested, all comers are welcome, some have already committed ...... TBF is in the process of building a new on line MEMBERS ONLY store. You will have to have a membership number to get into it, so it will NOT be open to the public. ALL proceeds from the store will be directed to support TBF youth and conservation. There will be 6 levels to the store.

1. Standard TBF members, 2. SLVER TBF Members, 3. GOLD TBF members, 4. PLATIMUM TBF members, 5. State Team Members, 6. State Federations

Each level will have a different discount, the higher you go the more discount you get. We already have some suppliers on board, some of the stuff will be overstock and discontinued items at a deep discount. Our desire is to incorporate many of the national state team programs under the state team pages as we can and if we convince the suppliers it is secure, so that all you have to do is send them to the website and they can order themselves and pay there. You won't have to handle any of it.

This store can do a number of things for us .... Although we certainly won't stock every item and different items will roll in and out of the store on a regular basis

It can take a load off you in having to order stuff through various programs we roll out. Simply send them to the store.

If we can get state team programs in there (they are warming to the idea) It takes pressure off the Manufacturers as we are now a retailer too and a BIG one. And it takes the pressure off you as a state if a members lets a current VIP price get out.

All TBF proceeds are earmarked to Youth and Conservation so that is a shelter for the manufacturers as well. Our members can enjoy discounts and deep discounts on items in the fishing and hunting arena, just for being a member and they are supporting youth and conservation while doing it.

There is a lot to do yet and no doubt will evolve over time. But this is the concept. Everything TBF does is built around ideas that YOU as a group are a part of so as always ideas are most welcome. If you know a vendor who would like to be a part of the store, feel free to give them my contact info, but be forewarned as they are going to have to give some segments of our membership deep discounts if they want to play.

Buddy Tournament  1St  45 Boats

Meeting Over

Thats All


Ron  Horton
Eastern Shore Bassmasters
