Started by Delume01, March 28, 2009, 10:10:34 PM

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Colorado Youth here is your opportunity to fish in a tournament to become the Youth State Champion and win a fully paid trip to the FLW National Championship and a spot in the FLW National Guard Youth World Championship in Pittsburgh PA. On May 2nd all Colorado Youth TBF members will fish on a Colorado TBF adults boat on Pueblo Reservoir.  5 fish weigh in at the South Marina. The top youth from 11-14 and 15-18 age groups will win a trip to the Nationals and a chance at $5000 scholarships and prizes provided by Ranger Boats, Lowrance and more. Visit for more information or email me @ .
Erick deLumeau
5280 BassHunters Youth Director
Colorado TBF Youth Director


Do you have to qualify for this??
What you got to do?

I am very intrested.
im 16.


You need to be a member of 5280 Junior BassHunters and Colorado TBF, which can be done by getting in touch with me. The next would be to attend  a meeting to fill out paperwork and then you are able to fish on Pueblo on May 2nd. The top bag from that tournament will send two state champions to the Nationals. We will have several other events this year as well including Josephs Journey Big Bass Challenge at Water Valley, Elkhead Reservoir, Waterton Canyon. Get in touch with me soon if you want to join so we can get you signed up and have your FLW magazines start coming.

Erick deLumeau
Colorado TBF Youth Director
5280 BassHunters Youth Director
