Started by Bobby T, March 15, 2009, 12:13:47 PM

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Bobby T

Where you been Greg? I thought you were always on these boards..... Are you wearing out that new Stratos already?

Ray Emory

Well if he needs a break from the stratos and time to get on the boards, hey I'll take the stratos off your hands for a few hours  ~roflmao

Still trying to work some deal out for a boat this year but just dont see it happening but hey, as I've always said-------



Ike says NEVER GIVE UP. It will come your way Ray most likely when you ain't looking for it. Sorry about be lost for awhile but started back at Jones Junction and it seems like I have been sleeping their. I am ready to get the season started!
Work is for people who don't know how to fish!

Bobby T

Whooo.....good to hear from ya buddy, I was about ready to send out a search party. Hey cool if your spending alot of time there, maybe it is prosperous, especially these days!.....Glad your back ~c~


Nah buddy its real slow, thats why I am spended so much time there. Man you have done a bang up job on the web site and I really like the Pres's corner idea. ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ see ya on the 31st.
Work is for people who don't know how to fish!

Ray Emory

Glad to see you on the board Greg, yea Bobby T has done a awesome job on the site--( as well as Emily) lo
I'm ready for the season also, I know my time will come Greg I appreciate the thought but right now I'd be happy to breath right  ~roflmao

Bobby T

thanx.......I am really excited about this season.......I also got us a nice new scale for weigh in...........hey Mr prez...I did this webpage all by myself.....she just supervised lo

Ray Emory

I knew you could do it buddy, Emily taught you well my friend  ~c~ ~roflmao


Ray you'll be fine you just need to smell that water from the bay and a couple of fat :ass Bass.
That'll fix ya right up. ~str   Greg
Work is for people who don't know how to fish!