Lead or Tungsten?

Started by allfingsfishy, October 06, 2008, 06:29:45 AM

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Hi Everyone,
I'm really new to bass fishing and was wondering if any of you had an opinion on what worm sinkers are best to use, lead or tungsten?, and if tungsten, are they really worth the extra cost?



I feel the tungsten weights are well worth it.  I like the added sensitivity they give me in fishing plastic baits.  I opt for Tru_tungstan, and though they are expensive compared to lead, they are better for the environment and if they get you a few more fish, they could be the difference in cashing a check and not cashing a check in a tournament.



I just started using them a couple months ago.   Premium tungsten brand I have been using has me very impressed.   They are much harder and smaller in size that lead equivalent.  The fact that they are harder does transmit bottom better especially when you are bumping things not just dragging on mud.   As for the environment.  I agree anything is better than lead in our water.  Here is a thread that has some size comparisons of lead vs tungsten if you haven't seem them side by side.  LINK


I still use lead and paint them.I spray paint them and then top coat with 2 ton and flake.Tungsten weights are great but the price keeps me with lead.I fish most everyday and go through a lot of weights.I still catch many fish on lead.I just think the price is a little much for my fixed income..


First, let me welcome you to Ultimatebass.com, allfingsfishy  ~c~ it's great to have ya.
I'm sure you will like spending time with us. If you ever need help or have any questions please feel free to ask.

I slowly made the switch to tungsten a few years back after fishing with some and feeling the big difference.
They are much more expensive - but worth it IMO, I am so used to the incredible sensitive feeling that its hard to fish jigs or shakey head made of lead.

Most people fishing lead because they used to it or never tried the tungsten or didn't think spending extra money will make any difference because it's a weight - big mistake.
Lead is just plain weight, will get your Rig down there and its up to you as an angler good or bad to develop the feeling.
There is nothing wrong with that but like in most things in life, when you move up to the better product that will probably improve your fishing skills you will never look back.
Visit one of our many sponsors and read about the Tungsten - http://www.basstackledepot.com/conquistador-tungsten-bullet-weights.aspx


They all sell lead and Tungsten and you can see the difference in the price.
Rig you Carolina rig with Tungsten and Carolina rig with lead and fish then the same day, do the same with TX rig and see what works best for you.

Creel Limit Zero

Quote from: allfingsfishy on October 06, 2008, 06:29:45 AM
Hi Everyone,
I’m really new to bass fishing and was wondering if any of you had an opinion on what worm sinkers are best to use, lead or tungsten?, and if tungsten, are they really worth the extra cost?


  I would say they are definitely worth it, but it all depends for each angler.  You should first consider how new your are to bass fishing first and the quality of line you are using.  If you are very new and on top of that using a low quality line, I would not use tungsten.  I would not want to have to pay for all the losses of tungsten weight dued to knot failure from poor tying, weak lines, poor casts, etc...  If you are using a high quality line and not loosing your lead weights, then absolutely switch to tungsten.  You will see a dramatic difference.  One thing you will find too, because they are smaller, you will get hung up less too!   ~c~


 I would reccomend the tungsten too. They are much more sensitive. This is not a small difference, it's something you can feel right away. It just gives a more realistic presentation with the smaller weight.I like the painted ones or "faded" ones. Some of the new ones are really shiny. I feel like I get a better hookset because there is not a big weight in the way. If you look around you can find some good prices compared to Academy, BPS, etc. I have to be careful where I spend my fishing dollars these days, but this is one thing I feel is worth the money.
I don't mind not knowing all the answers, but I keep forgeting the danged questions.


Tungsten is definately worth the extra money IMHO because of all the reasons listed in the above replies.

   Welcome to UB!!  Pull up a chair and make yourself right at home!!!


Welcome to Ultimate Bass allthingsfishy!  As you can see in this thread all you have to do is ask and you can expect some honest, straightforward responses from people who really use and know their equipment.  As for me, I have not tried the tungsten weights yet so I would say now is the time to give tungsten a chance.

Have some fun and and keep the good questions coming.  ;D

Good first post!  I am sure a few of us have learned something from it. ~c~ 


Thanks everyone for all your comments ~c~

Been doing some surfing on the net and found something on ESPN about some clear sinkers? anyone seen them before?
Not sure if i can paste a link, so please let me know if its OK.

Thanks again.


Quote from: allfingsfishy on October 06, 2008, 04:31:46 PM
Thanks everyone for all your comments ~c~

Been doing some surfing on the net and found something on ESPN about some clear sinkers? anyone seen them before?
Not sure if i can paste a link, so please let me know if its OK.

Thanks again.

If you decide to fish tungsten, talk to Chris Franklin. He owns his own tungsten weight business and his prices arent bad at all. His user name is Chris.  ;)
Jared Rascoe-Minda Lures Pro-Staff
Stanley Lures Jr. Field Staff

Ray Emory

I would have to agree with Creel, first is look at your equipment as far as reels, rods and line and then go from there. You'll catch fish on both lead and tungsten but once you get use to fishing cover and have a good feel wiht your equipment I would give the tungsten a shot. Personally I use lead when I'm pre-fishing for a tournament and switch to tungsten for tournament day, just my personal way of fishing, everyone has different methods and opinions, goodluck and welcome to the ultimate bass board this is a great group of guys  that are always willing to give advice and answer questions.